Chapter 1: Into The Maze

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TW: some yelling, elevator, swearing

                                                                                 ~Alex's POV~

  Sunlight, distant voices, and a pounding headache were what finally forced me to awaken. Also plot convenience, but we don't speak about that.

  I groaned, sitting up. Why did my head hurt so much? Why was I here? Where was here? Where was I?

  I looked around, feeling cold stone underneath me and a bit of sunlight above. I could hear a few other people around, one in this little space with me and at least two at the top of this.

  Of this... what? Elevator?



  I got up and walked around, careful not to step on the other person (who seemed to be still asleep, but I couldn't be sure) and felt the walls, searching for an exit. I hated being in one spot for long.

  I sighed, bored. There wasn't much to do in this tiny little hole. I sat down, folding my wings in behind me. At least I still had my wings, horns, and tail. Most of the time when us dragonfolk get kidnapped, we aren't so lucky. I shuddered and stared at the other person carefully, taking my easily distracted  mind off the subject.

  They seemed to be some sort of deer hybrid, with soft brown ears attached where any human ears would be. Antlers protruded from long light brown hair that had flowers braided into it. Freckles dotted their face, arms, and legs. A short forest green dress with lots of tiny flowers designed on it went down to their ankles. I guessed they were a girl, but couldn't tell because they had horns. It's always safer to use they/them pronouns for people until you know what they prefer.

  I chuckled to myself at the height difference between us. They seemed quite short to me, about 5'6-5'7. That might not seem short to some, HOWEVER, I was 7'5 and made sure that everyone shorter than me knew that they were small.

  A low groan sounded from the deer person, startling me. "Hello?" they whispered, beautiful hazel eyes meeting my multicoloured ones.

  "Hello there!" I replied cheerfully. "My name's Alex. I woke up in this elavator thingy, same as you, and there's people up there and I have no idea what's happening, what about you?"

  I flashed a cheerful grin at the now-awake person, deciding to like this person for now.

  "I'm Clover," they spoke quietly, their voice gentle and kind. "I have... no idea what's happening or where we are either. I just know that... a lot of things hurt."

  "A pleasure to meet you, Clover!" I basically chirped. "You're really pretty, mind telling me your pronouns?"

"Uh - thank you," Clover replied, looking bashful. "She/it. You?"

  "They/her, thanks! Any idea on how to get out of here?" I asked, not seeing the lever that was very clearly beside me.

  "Um... that?" she replied, pointing to it.

  "Ah, yes! Of course! I totally saw that!" Embarrassed, I turned to the lever and flicked it without hesitation.

  "W-wait wait wait, shouldn't we t-try-" Clover stuttered, looking nervous as the platform (elevator?) started to move.

  "I didn't see any other way out, did you?" I replied, staring upwards.

  "I guess not," it sighed, and we left the rest of the elevator journey to silence.

  When we FINALLY got to the top, Clover and I were met by three other people (two of them human.)

One was slightly shorter than normal, with pink hair, flowers, and blue eyes, one was average height with brown hair and brown eyes, and one who looked completely different from anyone I'd ever seen. With short black hair, purple eyes, black wolf ears, a black wolf tail, and several pride accessories, they looked extremely unique and regal against the others, but also like they were probably pretty chill. They wore an asexual pride flag on their back and a pin over their heart that said they/them. Looking to be around 6'3, Kai was easily taller than everyone here but me.

  The new people introduced themselves as Acho (pink hair), Kyle (brown hair), and Kai (wolf person). I introduced us both for Clover, since she seemed unable to speak due to nervousness. I vowed to question it later about that.

  "So... you guys also woke up in a wierd moving hole?" Kai spoke out, sounding Russian. Their voice was deep and melodic, soothing in a way.

  "Elevator," I corrected them. "And yes, we also woke up in it. This looks like a big stone box with trees, do you think we should move?"

  "I think we should move," Kyle said loudly, seeming to startle Clover. I reached out and rested my left wing over her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her.

  Acho's jaw dropped. "You have WINGS?!"

  Clover flinched at the loud sound, and I brought her against my side, folding my wing around it. "Yes, I have wings. You have flowers attached to you, does that make any more sense?" I glared at both of them, rubbing Clover's shoulder gently.

  Acho shook his head quickly. "Sorry. I think we should get out of here, and soon," they added, glancing over his shoulder. "I don't know what happens at night, but usually nothing good."

  "True," Kai spoke quietly, and I gazed into their green eyes.

  "Hang on a moment, did your eye colour change?" Kyle asked Kai, distracted once again.

  "Yes, it did," they replied, puzzled. "They change with my emotions, do yours not do that? I just assumed you were all either very calm or very good at hiding yours."

  "Human eyes don't do that," I explained, impatient. "Can we just go now?"

  "You're not human either, and neither is the deer girl. So why-" Acho started.

  "C-can we just go, p-please?" Clover's soft, trembling voice sounded from my side, rousing everyone quickly.

  "Yes, we can go now," Kyle replied gently, finally seeing how nervous it was. "I'll lead the way, if that's all right."

  When no one argued, he nodded and stepped into one of the tunnels, away from the deep red forest, leading us...

                                           Into the maze.

  That was officially my first ever chapter fully written, with over 1k words and hopefully no mistakes! I did my absolute best to edit it, over and over, adding and taking away a ton of things and fixing whatever I thought should be fixed. If you don't like it, that's fine. I'd love suggestions and advice, and any hate at all will only help me! Thank all of anyone reading for clicking onto this book, if it gets even one vote I will make another book. I started writing this quite a while ago and wasn't sure if I should publish it because it's kind of cringe, but if people click on it, it was their choice to read my shitty books. They can suck it up and enjoy!

  Love yalllllll <333333

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