Officer Calvin spoke "we can't yet"

"I DON'T CARE TAKE THEM OFF" Joyce yelled as hopper came behind her

"Just take them off" he said quietly as they rushed over to Jonathan "what the hell happened kid"

Jonathan shrugged "where's Jamie" he looked around

Nancy looked at hopper "she was in the waiting room but when I came back from the bathroom she was gone"

Florence appeared "oh she left ages ago, right in a hurry that girl" she rolled her eyes "your friend said he'd pick her up what was his name" she thought for a second "Dr Brenner I think it was"

"What" Hopper turned to the lady. He felt like he was going to be sick "did she go with him"

Florence shook her head "no no she left" she looked stern "took a bike with her hop get her to bring it back"

Hopper looked back at Joyce "we need to go now !" He grabbed his keys

Nancy stood up "what why is she in trouble" Jonathan stood up as well

"Yeah if this Dr Brenner finds her" he looked around and grabbed his gun "all run to the car now".

Jamie looked to see Dr Brenner cars coming her way. There were loads of them "GO GO GO" Jamie yelled peddling as fast as she could

Two of the cars started coming there way blocking them. Eleven and Jamie looked at each other and nodded. They both stared at the cars. They both went in the air at the same time as the boys looked. They both flipped upside down blocking Dr Brenner and the others.

Dr Brenner got out of his car watching Jamie peddle away.

"HOLY SHIT" Dustin screamed at the top of his lungs "JAMIE HOW DID YOU DO THAT"

"JUST KEEP ON GOING" she replied.

They ended up at the junk yard. Jamie had to sit down, her nose was bleeding. Lucas kneeled down beside her "are you okay ?"

"Yeah fine" she wiped her nose "we won't be able to stay here for long"

Mike looked at her "so you also have powers ?"

"Me and Eleven were in the same lab together, I escaped when eleven was really young" she turned to Eleven "I'm sorry you had to be there"

Eleven kneeled next to her sister, elevens nose was still bleeding she put out her hand "sister" she mumbled

Jamie looked at elevens nose, she wiped the blood of for her "sister" she smiled pulling eleven into a hug.

Hopper ran to the car with the others following. He put his key in and began driving

"Why does this dr want Jamie" Nancy began panicking

Hopper replied "she's one of his subjects, subject 005 and she escaped when she was younger"

"Jamie was tested on ?" Jonathan frowned

"Unfortunately" he turned left "she can do things others can't, she's different from you and me"

Nancy huffed "so where do we go now ?"

Joyce turned her back "to my house there might be clues of where she is"

Nancy thought for a second "what if she's with Mike, the walki talkie".

The boys and Jamie and el sat there for a moment. Jamie heard helicopters coming closer to them

"Shit" Mike whispered he looked around "put your bikes under the bus quick" they all rushed getting their bikes and stuffing them under the bus. Mike opened the bus door as they all got in.

 Subject 005Where stories live. Discover now