The quiet one

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(B) *walking to locker*

(A) Brandon there you are

(B) Abigail

(A) still quiet

(B) it's never changed

(A) but you have friends to talk to you know that

(B) I know but it's jest the way I am because I was never open about anything

(O) except for your sexuality

(B) ok so I'm open that I'm gay no one really cared about the fact that I was

(F) Brandon where's that julian guy?

(B) heck if I know

(O) player boy probably looking for a new hookup

(N) be nice about it he grew up in a shitty home where his parents are divorced

(E) Brandon Julian needs you

(B) where is he?

(E) stairwell

(B) alright *running to stairwell*

(F) he really cares for that guy yet he's the quiet one

(B) hey *running to julian*

(J) I need help

(B) what did you do?

(J) I fucked up

(B) how?

(J) flirting with rose

(B) rose as in Tysons rose? The football player that doesn't fuck with anyone who says anything to his girl

(J) yep that one

(B) why did you do that?

(J) jest in the moment because i was having fun around girls and winded up flirting towards rose and Tysons friend saw me

(B) julian you dumbass what do you even think Tyson is going to do?

(J) I don't know I'm freaking out because last time some dude did that Tyson beat their ass and yet I'm the player of the school and I've liked so many people

(B) I know I've been your friend for years and it's something you went through after everything in your home you jest looked for actual love

(J) I'm scared Brandon

(B) *holding Julian's hand* jest deep breaths will figure it out but this is the outcome you'd get because of what happened

(J) can I kiss you?

(B) what?

(J) can I kiss you?

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