Eddie "The Freak" Munson

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I think this is gonna have a lot of headcannons! Possible TW for SH and ED! Not very descriptive!!

Y/n Y/l/n

Eddie was considered a freak here in Hawkins. But you didn't care. You liked the fact that he made you feel safe and he protected you. You felt he was different from your boyfriends in the past. You felt he was the one. Sometimes he would lay in your lap and let you play with his hair. He liked it when you used your finger to trace over his tattoos. He loves it when you cook for him. Anything you make was a masterpiece to him. He loves to teach you how to play guitar, his hands over yours to help you press the strings. He likes it when you hold his hand or his arm and fiddle with his rings. He loves it when you sit in on hellfire meetings, he thinks your good luck. He try's to show you how to play but it's hard to understand. Eddie likes to eat plain cereal out of the box. He loves to watch movies with you. Eddie likes it when you two stand in the rain and admire the gloomy sky. He likes to make out under streetlights at night. Eddie Munson loves it when you are yourself around him. He likes it when your sitting next to him and he can put his hands or your thighs. He loves it when your in the passenger seat of his van and he taps his fingers to the beat of the song that's playing on your thigh. Eddie loves taking long drive with you on the highway with the windows down blasting music, he watches your hair blow in the wind and the beautiful smile across your face.

Eddie was your and you were his. He reminded you often. He hugs you tight every night before you go to bed. You remember waking up next to him more than you remember being in your old bed. Eddie loves to call you pet names like Darling, Sweetheart and princess. He likes it when you call him names too but only sometimes. Eddie is a human teddy bear he clings to you all day giving you kisses and cuddles throughout the day. Sometimes he goes on rants about how he is being set up so he can't graduate. Eddie loves it when you try to help him with his homework but it just turns out that you to laugh the whole way through. He loves it when he can make you laugh. Eddie just loves to feel your presence in the room. He loves listening to music in his van with you. Eddie likes to drive you out into the woods at night so you two can snake and star gaze. He loves to trace the scars on your skin. He likes to help you feel more confident. He always made sure you drank water and ate enough.

Eddie Munson is by far the sweetest man you've ever met. He loves it when you lay your head on his lap to relax. He just wants to make you happy all of the time. He loves it when you help him write songs. He likes writing songs for you. He loves it when you listen to him play his guitar. He loves it when you go to his band rehearsals. Eddie likes helping you through you emotions, he wants you to know he's always there. You do the same for him. Eddie just wants you to know that he loves you no matter what.

Yes, you knew Eddie was a freak and you knew that by dating him you'd be a freak to but in your eyes you weren't freaks. You were best friends, lovers and family.

It didn't matter it he was a freak or a fool, it only mattered that you knew he loved you to the moon and back! That's what he told you last night before you drifted to sleep in his arms "I love you to the moon and back, sweetheart"!

This one's is so cute. If you liked this one please follow me I plan on updating this soon! I'm so grateful for all of my followers! Thank you so much I really hoped you enjoyed this!

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