A key to Amphibia?

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Marcy POV

I was a little early, I was sitting on one of the chairs on the airport. I watched the other people walk pass me. My attention was changed to the glowing thing in my pocket.

I took it out, it was a green crystal. It was just like the crystal on the calamity box. I don't know where did this come from but I just saw it.

I examined the crystal turning it around, looking at it front and back. I wonder if this is the key on going back to Amphibia, I thought. I mean it would make sense if this is the key to Amphibia right? Should I tell Anne and Sasha about this? I asked myself debating whether I should tell them or not.

A part of me was saying yes but another part of me was saying no. Maybe I shouldn't, I don't want to keep their hopes up.

I sighed and putted the crystal back to my pocket. I couldn't help but feel sad about leaving Anne as Sasha. It was the same feeling I got when I first left.

As much as I want to stay, I just couldn't stay here. I have no place to stay. Well at least I got to see Anne and Sasha again.

I just hope I will see them sometime again in the future.

I thought about the green crystal again. I was lost in my thoughts, I keep thinking a lot about the crystal, asking questions, theories. I stop when I realized it's my flight.

I stood up and started walking.

-Timeskip inside the airplane-

I looked around to find a place to sit. After I found a place to sit, I sat there and waited for the airplane to take off.

It was quiet, no one was talking. Well before someone started a conversation started behind me.

I looked at the window beside me and I notice that it was slowly moving going upwards, probably the plane's started flying. It started to go up and up until it became faster and the plane is in the sky.

It was high above the clouds. My mind started to wander off about Amphibia. What would I do if I got back to Amphibia? I asked myself. I actually don't know. I don't really have a lot of friends there or anyone I'm very close with.

Well there was Lady Olivia, she is really nice to me and...

King Andrias, just thinking about that name made me feel quite a few mixed emotions or something I'm not really sure.

But it was kind of sadness and fear? Well, I felt sad after what he had done to me and after he tried conquering the world. I felt fear on what will happen if I ever see him again but it's not like it's gonna happen anyways, it's just a thought I have.

It's just that he was nice to me when I first met him and then he betrayed me but I don't have the personality to hold a grudge on him.

I quickly snap away from my thoughts about Amphibia. A lot of things had happen in there, some fun memories and some terrible.

I'm still looking at the wind even though it was dark outside, I could barely see anything.

My thoughts then turned into my best friends Sasha and Anne. We don't really see each other often or hangout together but they will always be my best friends.

I really miss Sasha especially Anne its just that I don't know, I don't know how to out it in words, it's something unexplainable.

She makes me feel something, something warm and something I don't understand. I mean she's pretty- No no she's not I quickly thought pushing the thought away.

I tried my best to ignore it and focused looking at the window.

She's just pretty, really beautiful wait no not like pretty pretty, but ignoring her thoughts absolutely didn't work. No ugh what am I thinking, I thought covering my face with my hands.

I remove my hands on my face and I rested my head at the chair and I closed my eyes.

As you can see that this is unfinished ;-;
And there could be grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes, I didn't check or edit this.

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