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                  -at the cafe-

Lisa POV

It's been 30 minutes since jisoo and Jennie got out of this cafe well I'm not going to deny it I felt jealous and I really regret why I didn't treat  Jennie right the way jisoo treat her, I took a last sip from my coffee and dicided to left the cafe

"Huh? Wait is that jisoo but where is Jennie" I walked toward her

"Where's Jennie?" I asked,even tho I don't like talking to her but I have to know where Jennie is,she look up at me and;

"She went" she straightly said

"You let her go like that?" I asked again and now felling nervous cause I think someone is stalking Jennie, I didn't waste any minutes and started dialing her number fuck jen answer the phone... I tried calling her again but she's still not answering it

"She's not answering because she fought with me don't worry to much....." I cutted her off

"Why did you let her go like that!!" I said raising my voice I know it's rude but Jennie is in danger right now,I calm my self and look at her  "did you not hear anything from her?"  I asked

"What do you mean?" Haa really! This not the answer I want hear from her

"And she calls you her girlfriend.....

"What are you talking about!" Wahh how dare her really she's the one who's mad right now,I sighed before answering her

"Some weirdo keeps looking through her locker,and he left weird note in her locker a few days ago" I explain calmly and this idiot in front of me still looks clueless wtf if this isn't about Jennie I swear I already punch her "I think she's be stalk you idiot!" Here I go again loosing my temper "and you let her go alone this night?" I asked the idiot who's now looking worried as she reached her phone to contact Jennie, I took a deep sighed as I felt my phone buzz, I answered it quickly and I know its Jennie

"Where are you?" I asked worriedly

"A guy in your baseball team is following me,let me tell you where I am......" her words cutted off

"Hello? Jen? Jennie!!" Shit shit!! I calm my self and look at jisoo

"Go toward her house,I'll go towards her practice studio" I said and ran not waiting for her to answer,,,, shit Jen please be safe


"Contract as the same as real relationship they hurt as just as much" I murmured to my self as I left jisoo I slap my forehead as I continue walking....ugh I don't know why but I really felt pain....urgh fuck you jisoo what did you do to me I didn't even like you!!! I just shurruged away my thoughts and continue walking "ouchh" wtf I didn't even notice I looked at the guy and apologise I didn't wait for his reapond and continue walking

I've been walking for a minute and this time I felt really weird I think someone's following me I keep glancing from my shoulder and I think he's the guy I bummed with earlier

"Why are you following me?" I asked him as I face him with all my courage "I told you,that were going to be together soon" w-wait he's the one who keeps looking through my locker and I this has the one who left the note too and w-wait "you are in our baseball team aren't you?" I asked and I think I'm right cause he is now smiling and his smiles are creepy "thank for finally recognizing me" he said as he slowly take off the earphone on his ears and it's mine the earphone I was looking  for  "if you come any closer, I'm going to the police so go" I saw is smiled disappear "I don't want to" he answered as his lips curved into a smirk I took a three steps backward and dicidedto ran as fast as I can I keep running and I this he's still following me I walk slowly and catch my breath I think I lost him,I'm going to call Lisa I need help

"A guy on you baseball team is following me,let me tell you where I am....." fuck he found me "get lost you crazy stalker!" I said with all my courage even tho my knees are already trembling "come on,you're uppsetting me" he said as he removed his glasses and look at me I swear I am so fucking scared right now

" What do you mean, crazy stalker"
"Be honest, you were attached to me too, am I wrong?" He said while smiling, I look at him all confused and at same time really scared
"I thought you are pretty for a while,and then you just happened to break up with Lisa thankfully....so that's when it's started My~~pure love~~....and then we kept bumbping into each other like fate, it was just a matter of time until you became mine.....but.... when some freshman comes along and says that she's your girlfriend......you dare kiss her in front of me!....wouldn't that drive me insane? Huh?" I flinched sobbing because he is already shouting at me and it's really scary.....please someone help me "what I don't have that she does" he asked raising his voice stepping closer to me "why it can't be me?!" He added "just date me" he said as he scan my body from head to toe...no please no no please somebody help me

"I'll make sure you're  loved"
"Youre insane" he was about to touch me when someone hit his head I gasp as I look who is it.....she ran towards me and hug me "are you ok?" She ask softly and with that I hug her back and cry on her shoulder "i-im s-scared" I said as I felt she tightened the hug and she carefully carres my hair

I'm sorry for not updating guys.....here the update hope you enjoy it stay tuned for the next update.....who do you think save's Jennie?

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