Chapter 3

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After putting on my outfit, I walk down the big staircase and I see them waiting. (an)

I gracefully made the rest of my way down the stairs and walked over to the four boys and tucked my hair behind my ears while blushing deeply, the boys walked out the door to their limo as I followed them silently, I had snuck a book with me and when we started moving I started reading. (c)

It turns out that we were going to the beach, when we arrived we went to get ice cream first but I remembered that I'm lactose intolerant and I'm so different from other people but luckily they have oat milk ice cream. (an)

I asked for oat milk ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, the boys looked at me shocked "Why oat milk?" Louis asked, "I-I-I'm lactose i-i-intolerant, sorry I-I-I-I didn't tell y-y-you g-g-guys." (c)

After that we then looked for a space to put our towels down, sat down and I changed into a swimsuit I had on me I walk out and as they looked at me I blushed then I ran into the sea (an)

I didn't realize that the group followed me into the sea and when I turned around, my hair floating around me like I was the sun and my hair was the rays, Harry splashed water at me and I choked on the taste of the salt, "r-r-r-r-really?!" I yelled. (c)

Choking on water, they started laughing at me as I finally stopped choking I walk out of the sea and sit on the towel, I watch them play in the water. (an)

I noticed they were all quite toned, though, I was not like other girls and have never had a crush on any of the group, I decided to keep on reading my book and wait for them to come back and buy me food (c)

We went to get food after and we went home.

Time skip to a week later.

Niall woke me up "y/n you're gonna be late for your first day of school if you don't wake up." (an)

"Mmm, fuck off.." my stutter had disappeared around them as I had gotten more comfortable, I finally stood up and got dressed, I got dressed in some clothes they had left out for me and ran
down the stairs almost falling at the end, I'm just so clumsy. (c)

I scraped my knee a bit as I fell so Zane gave me a PINK plaster I don't like pink, I think it's too girly but it was fine I made lunch quickly and headed out the door to catch the school bus. (an)

I got onto the bus and peeled off the stupid pink plaster from my knee, it was so girly, I threw it out an open window and fixed my clothes, I started reading a new book and tied my golden blonde locks into a messy bun, boys looked at me for some reason. (c)

Out of all the boys I caught one of them looking at me differently and he made my face go all red again. (an)

This boy was looking at me in disgust, I think he'd be a very good friend, just then a girl walked onto the bus and sat next to him, he put his arm around her, oh, must be his girlfriend. (c)

I get off the bus and my legs start shaking again and the guy who was looking at me weirdly says "you're new here huh?" (an)

"Y-y-y-yes, I a-a-am." He raised an eyebrow which I noticed was pierced, "Why are you stuttering so much?" I went red and looked down "J-j-j-just a bit sh-sh-shy" he took a breath through his mouth even though his teeth were closed "Toughen up kid, you'll be bullied real hard if you stutter like that" "s-sorry." (c)

I walk into the school it was so big and all the people looked so cool unlike me because I was lame, I checked my locker and I checked my time table, I headed into my first class...maths... (an)

I wasn't good at maths, I was much better at languages than arts and maths, I sat down and got started on the work the teacher gave us and started doodling stick figures on the sheet as someone sat down next to me. (c)

It's a girl, she had black and purple hair, and she wore dark clothes with a lot of chains, she was kinda scary and she didn't say a word to me she just looked down on my page (an)

I looked at her and looked back at my sheet then continued to doodle, the teacher walked around and grabbed my sheet "what is this?" "m-m-my sheet s-s-sir" "why are there drawings on it?" "I-I-I finished the work, s-s-sorry if its w-w-wrong." (c)

"it's not wrong actually you got it all right" he said "but please listen in my class" I was caught off guard with that comment and then the goth girl stole my copy to have a better look at my doodles. (an)

"your uh, doodles, they're cute, but you could try give them more motion." she grabbed my pencil and drew the stick figures dancing and hanging out, I watched in shock as she made them do so many things I'd never be able to make them do. (c)

"O-oh" I say "w-w-well-" the bell rings "g-g-gotta go" (an)

I put away my things and ran out of the classroom, i checked my schedule, Spanish next, as I got to the class I realized I was the first one there and sat right at the back of the class. (c)

I watched all the people come in to class the teacher greeted them all and we got started with the class. (an)

i don't remember much of the rest of the school day, it all mixed together, I got on the bus to go home and the goth girl sat next to me, "hey, you're the girl from my maths class right?" i turned to look at her and nodded. (c)

We exchanged glances every now and then, it was a bit awkward and my palms started sweating, "you're doodles are really good, I like them a lot" it caught me off guard and I replied "o-o-oh, th-thank you" She looks at me with a forced smile, "you stutter a lot" she says laughing "s-sorry" (e)

"its cute actually" "r-r-really?" "kinda, makes you seem anxious about everything." "b-b-because i am" I looked out the window and she turned the other way to talk to the people in the seats behind us. (c)

Stutter count: 49

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