Chapter two

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Dear Bixlow,
We probably shouldn't be writing these letters but it's always nice to have someone to talk to. My name is Lisanna. Thank you for saving me the other day. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there.

It is nice to meet you Bixlow. I am the air to the throne because my big brother Elf was married off and so was my big sister Mira. Apparently my parents are starting to look for suitors. I don't want to be married by their rule. I don't want to be married. It wouldn't be for love. I see you from my balcony sometimes but I'm not a stalker I promise. Thank you for giving me my bracelet back. I thought I lost it.

I guess it is my turn to tell you a little about myself. i am the air to the throne but I don't want to be. It is to much of a being someone I am not. I don't usually write letters to servants but I don't think of people that work for my family as servants. I am just an ordinary girl with a title she doesn't want. I don't like the attention i get.

I am glad he made you write it. It's so lonely here when my friend Kianna isn't here. Kianna is my best friend. Its funny because I couldn't get here to shut up about the letter you sent me She told me if I didn't write back she would. Which kind of scares me. My big sister is Mira Stratuss that married Lord Laxus. My big brother Elf married Lady Evergreen. They really like each other, it's really cute. Do you admire me? Actually I don't get out of the house often. When I do its to go meet suitors. You are better looking than any man I have seen. That sounded weird I don't know why I wrote that.

I am glad I am writing back. I hope that we can talk in person one day. Your the nicest person to me which nice people don't come often.







As I read the letter my cheeks start to heat up."She thinks I am cuter than her suitors so far??" I said to myself. The letter was on the bench in the back garden where i saved her. She is thinking about me. "What are you thinking about?" Freed asked. "Lisanna... I mean Lady Strauss." I said. He knows me to well for me to lie to him. "You know her best friend Lady Kianna right?" Freed asked. "Yea...What about her?" "She is engaged to Lord Eric." "So" "So since I am Lady Kianna's friend maybe i could talk to her about this."Would you do that for me?" "Only because you are my best friend." " Oh thank you Freed!" I said as I got up and hugged him. "Stop hugging me!!" "Fine" I walked over to the window seal and looked up at the stars. They are so beautiful I wonder if she is looking at them too. "Oh and Bixlow." " Yea?" " You cant fall for her. She is going to be engaged in two months." "To who?" "To whoever she chooses. Oh and he can be a servant like us but her father would rather her marry a Lord." "Why are you telling me this?" "So you don't get hurt." "Okay." "Goodnight Bixlow." "Goodnight Freed." When Freed left i was still staring out the window. She is so beautiful. I thought to myself. "Stop it. You cant fall for her." I told myself. "She is the air to the Strauss line. I am just a gardener for the family. She probably dosent even like me. She wouldnt like a guy like me. Well I better write her back." I walked over to my desk and started writing her letter.

Dear Lisanna....

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