Looking Back

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A group of young ones were talking in their classroom right after the class ends. They were talking about random things here and there until their homeroom teacher came scolding them, "You brats, i told you that when class ends you gotta go home and do your homeworks! What are you kids still doing here?" said Mr. Sengoku, their homeroom teacher. "Sorry sir, we got caught up in our conversation" said Nico Robin. Mr. Sengoku sigh and said "Alright alright but you better go home now", "Yes, sir" said the young ones and began walking out.

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Penguin, Sachi and Law decided to play tag in the school hallway, the others would just laugh at them. Law is the one that got tagged so he's planning to tag Luffy but he didn't expect Luffy to run fast down the stairs but ofcourse since Luffy's the one he wanna tag or should i say Law's target, he went and ran after Luffy.

While running down the stairs he heard music, its a piano music for a slow dance. He spotted Luffy looking inside the window of the music room, Ms. Hina is playing the piano. Normally the music room is only for teachers and can only be used when class is over but since the class is over obviously someone's using it.

The two young lads had feelings for each other, some says its obvious but some says its not. "Hey Luffy-ya, wanna dance?" asked the boy moving his fur hat out of the way, "Ofcourse shishishi" the young lad answered letting his straw hat dangle in is neck. Law took Luffy hand and began dancing to the music forgetting about their friends that ran after them.

They danced for a few minutes until Luffy noticed the others looking at them, he looked shocked and began laughing "hm? what is it?" Asked Law "They're watching us" Luffy answered, before Law could even turn around Luffy ran down the stairs dragging Law with him. Luffy ran until both him and Law are outside the school building.

The strawhatted lad stopped running and wrapped his arms around the latters shoulder, Luffy then cupped his face with his remaining hand and kissed the furhatted boy in his cheek. It lasted for a few seconds and after that he ran to his grandpa who is outside the school gate, "See you again, Torao!" the boy yelled before leaving with his grandpa, the boy couldn't say anything because of what happened a few moments ago but he managed to wave him a small goodbye before they leave.


"Luffy-ya, you fell asleep again" said Law, slightly shaking his loved one. They were reading the book that Law wrote, it has all their memories since they met at 4 years old, "hm, torao carry me will you? Let's cuddle" said Luffy half asleep, Law chuckled at the sight and picked up his lover to cuddle with him in their bed.

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