"I'm fine, Hayame... Jeez, you're such a worrywart!!" You watched as the frown etched on her face, almost making you guilty for a second.

"Have you even eaten? Good Lord, you look like an old lady..." She began fixing your hair, making you smile. You were lucky to have her as your friend.

"Not really... Let's eat something together!!" You suggested and she pondered over the idea for a second before her face lit up and she nodded in excitement.

"Good idea!! I'll make us some late-night ramen!!" She declared and you could already feel your mouth watering at the delicious taste of the ramen after a long day of work.

As the older lady began to work on the ramen, you pulled out a seat and sat beside her, "Say, Hayame... What'cha gonna do with your holidays?" You turned to ask her as she spared you a side glance before returning to the water on the stove.

"I don't know... Probably hit the bar and try to find a hottie..." She trailed off, unsure with her own plans as she turned to you, "What about you?"

"Hmm, me? Well, I'll visit my friend.... It's been quite some time since I've seen him..." Her mouth formed the shape of an O and you smiled at her, continuing to watch her work away.

"Is the boss sleeping?" She began after a while as you both sat down with your ramen in hand, "Yeah, I think so... why?" At your question, she lowered her gaze and played with her chopsticks.

"Nothing, just surprised... the boss would almost never sleep back when the last secretary used to work here... then again, it's not a big deal... she was dumb and only made things difficult..." She took a bite out of her ramen and almost moaned at the godly taste.

Late-night ramen was a gift sent from heaven...

As you slurped on your noodles, Hayame began to tell you stories of how different Boss was back then, compared to now, "He's begun to eat a lot more, ya know!! And he's surprisingly not as moody as before...."

Giggling at her words, you nodded once again while chewing on the noodles, "Also, he's a lot more calm, and doesn't exactly rush us anymore..." Nodding once more, you noted that she was done with her ramen.

"Well, I'll be going back to work!! You should eat up and rest if you don't got anything to do..." She advised as she collected her bowl and smiled at you once more before leaving.

But even if Hayame had told you all those stuff about the boss, it's not like you gave a single shit or anything. He could literally be slaughtering the rest of the guys, excluding Hayame, and you wouldn't care as long as you got paid.

The paycheck was the only reason you put up with him....

As you were done with your ramen, you set the bowl in the sink and rinsed them lazily before setting them to dry on the side. With the flick of your wrist, you attempted to dry your hands and began your way back to the boss's room.

Clicking the door open, you were relieved that he was still asleep. With a small grin resting on your lips, you were about to leave the room and go to rest when you heard him call out, "Where do you think you're going?"

His voice was chilling and cold to the very core, but you've heard worse, "My deepest apologies, sir... I thought that you were already asleep..." He got up with a groan, eye bags slightly less visible than from the first time you saw him but they were still there.

"Hmm..." He hummed in contemplation, looking around the room. His eyes rested on a laptop and he shifted his gaze towards you, "What were you doing on that laptop?"

"Finishing sir Rindoū's report, as per his own request..." You did not want to piss the emo midget off for a purple jellyfish, so you decided to say the truth.

Mikey didn't say anything about the report, but instead he tilted his head, "Did you eat?"

"Yes, sir..."

He nodded to himself, almost as he was checking off imaginary boxes off his to-do list.

A frown decoarted his lips as he pushed the thick duvet cover off of his tiny form, "You go rest, I'm taking over things..."

His words weren't a surprise for you since the boss was often unnecessarily generous to you. Perhaps this was his way of saying that your paycheck won't be doubling any time soon.

"Yes, thank you, sir..." You bowed as he flung his legs over to the other side of the bed and stuck his feet in his usual black sandals.

As he walked over to you, you kept your position in a bow, and let him walk away but just as he left, he turned to you, "Oh, and next time... Don't accept any reports from anyone unless I give them to you, do you understand?" His tone was dead and low, as usual.

"Yes, sir..." You kept on bowing as he nodded his head and left.

"Ah... I'm so tired... Man, I can't wait to visit Taka-kun!! He's gonna be so surprised, hehe.." You whispered eagerly, smiling to yourself as you walked through the hallways and towards the servants' quarters.

While walking, you failed to notice a drunk Rindoū slithering his way to you, "H-Hey, secretary!! ~" He called out, grinning from ear to ear as you turned to him in surprise, "Ah..." A frown made way to your lips as you saw him stumbling around like a drunkie.

"Y-Ya know... You're r-really pret-pretty... Hehe..." Giggling like a school girl, he tried to lean on you. You immediately brought your shoulder under his arm and slung it over, letting him lean on you.

"Ooo, quite b-bold... aren't we?" He chortled and you almost reeled back in disgust.

Keeping your professional look, you helped him walk over to his room, which would be the best option as of right now. He did throw flirtatious remarks here and there, but thankfully he knew how to keep his hands to himself, unlike his older brother.

Just when you were a hallway down his room, your path was crossed by probably the only executive you respected in Bonten; Hitto Kakuchō.

The tall man was not only a gentle giant, but also very respectful and not a manwhore like the majority of his colleagues. Hell, you genuinely thought he was too pretty for this shitty gang, but hey, it's his life. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.

"[Last Name]." He greeted, and you bowed back slightly, showing your respect. He smiled slightly before his gaze shifted to Rindoū drunkily babbling on your shoulder. The man took a deep breath before walking over to you and talking him from your grasp, with you letting him.

"You go rest, I'll take him to his room..." He ordered and you immediately payed your thanks.

See? This is why this dude's your favorite. He's too good for this. Someone give this man a raise.

But before he could leave, you quietly called out to him, "Sir Kakuchō?" He halted for a minute before humming at you to continue. You fished out the thumb drive from your pocket and bowed slightly while presenting it to him.

"If I may... Please give this to sir Rindoū. He ordered for these...." Kakuchō inspected the thumb drive with a curious look, "What's in this, if you don't mind me asking?" You smiled gently while still bowing and extending the little gadget.

"Sir Rindoū's reports, sir..." His eye brows furrowed, bringing his scar closer together.

"This damned lazy brat..." The scarred man muttered under his breath, before nodding at you and taking the thumb drive, pocketing it immediately.

"Thanks on his behalf, [Last Name]... " He admitted and you really felt like you couldn't respect this man more than you did right now.

"Uh, no! You shouldn't have to thank me, someone who's paid to do chores like this..." You confessed and he shook his head, "You don't get paid for this, so it's kind of on him to bother you with it. But still, I'll make sure to slip in a request to Koko to increase your pay, as a proper thanks..." And with that, he left. Not noticing the giant grin encasing your lips.

Ah... You can't believe what a lovely man Hitto Kakuchō is...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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