Part 2

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Today we are flying to Monaco!! I am so excited. Charles is going to pick us up from the airport and after we will be driving to his place. it is going to be so much fun. We are now in the car to the airport and it always stresses me out. I keep going over everything that could go wrong. It just always stresses me out. Dad gave me the tip to just listen to some relaxing music. I am trying it out right now. I must say it does not really help me, I really hoped it did. Grandma is parking the car at the airport. I get out and give her a big hug. "I am going to miss you so much, you can't imagine. I am going to miss you too." My grandma is such a wise person, she is always calm and knows exactly what to do. It is in every situation that she is the one that finds the solution. When I am older I want to be just like her. "Julie hurry up, we are going to miss our flight because of all your daydreaming!! Sorry dad I am coming" It is usually like this, dad thinks I daydream too much. I don't know, I think it's good for your fantasy. We walk into another big hall and get our bags checked. Everything went okay, I did not even freak out before security. Maybe the calming music did help. I will try it again next time. We walk to the gate where dad buys me a soda. I calmly drink the soda and scroll on Instagram. Katie has posted about me coming to Monaco. It made me feel warm inside because I now know for sure she is excited too. I am always scared that people will leave me, maybe because it had happened a lot to me. Even my mom did not want me. "JULIE!! I have now called you 3 times come on. Sorry dad, love you too <3. You know I love you but we need to catch our flight." I run towards him just understanding what he says. When I finally arrive at him he pulls me in for a hug and kisses my head. We walk into the airplane and sit down. I was excited because dad promised me we could watch the first Harry Potter movie. We sit down and turn on our screen. I plug in my headphones and give dad one. He turns on the movie and we start watching. It's honestly one of the best movies I have ever seen. I am excited to see all of them. The movie has ended and the flight attendant asks us to put on our seat belts. I check if mine is still okay and lean back in my seat. After a couple of minutes, we can get off the flight. I rush to pack our bags and almost run off the airplane. The waiting for our luggage feels like hours, when we finally got everything we walk towards the part of the airplane where Charles would pick us up. I hear a familiar voice. "JULIE!! JULIE!! OVER HERE!!" I realize Katie is here and I start running "KATIE!!" Katie and I run towards each other and I embrace her and I am not planning of letting go. After 3 minutes I notice Charles waiting for his hug. "Hi to you too. Sorry, I just did not expect you took Katie with you. I thought you would appreciate it. I do thank you. Charles? Sorry can I please have a picture with you? Yes ofc.. NO YOU CAN'T, WHY DO YOU PEOPLE ALWAYS THINK THAT YOU CAN JUST WALK INTO PEOPLE THEIR PRIVITE LIFE AND DO WHATERVER YOU LIKE. IT IS NOT THAT BECAUSE THEY FOLLOWED THEIR DREAMS AND THEY RACE IN A SPORT WHERE FAME IS A PART OF YOU CAN JUST DO WHATERVER YOU LIKE!" I looked over my shoulder for my dad when I also saw him taking pictures with fans. Thats when I started screamong. "ATENTION PLEASE, IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO TAKE PICTURES WITH CHARLES OF PIERRE ANYMORE. THEY ALSO HAVE PRIVITE LIFES AND YOU CAN ALSO JUST LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE. THANK YOU" I am so pissed at all these people that think they have the right to always ask for pictures and stuff. People look shocked at me, I think thats kind of funny. Dad walks to us and as we walk out of the airport we burst out lauging.

Thanks for reading the second part of my story I hope you like it Greatings Britte

Julie GaslyWhere stories live. Discover now