(Chapter 7) Is It Too Soon?

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We stood in that ''basement'' for a while, well, now that I saw it, it was a furnace room. "Sooo...Tommy, why were ya down here?" His face goes red again, as he looks the opposite way. "Tommy?" I ask once again, he looks at me. "You ok?" He nods, then grabs my hand, leading we somewhere. He got behind me, and covered my eyes. "What're you doin' you goof?" I ask, laughing. We stop walking, he uncovers my eyes. There was a huge space on the wall with bones spelling something out, they were completely covered in blood, i'm pretty sure there were a few organs too. I was- honestly impressed, but also, disgusted. I tried to hold in the sickness. "It's- uh...it's great Tommy-" I wanted to literally vomit right then, but that'd make him feel bad, plus, I had to get used to this anyways. I looked up at him, that goofy smile, he was so proud.

"TOMMY! Y/N!" I heard Momma shout. "DINNERS READY!!" She added. Me and Thomas looked each other, then shrugged, and walked upstairs. We all sat at the table, Hoyt said grace, then we began to eat. "So, Y/N, are you and Tommy, dating?" Momma asks, Thomas literally gets choked as soon as she asks, from embarrassment. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you ok Tommy-!?" He nods. "Anyways..- no, Momma, we ain't." I sigh. "Ya should, Tommy loves ya, a lot, you'll be staring here with us too, so..-" Thomas's face goes blood red again. "Maybe...it's not the time." I laugh. "Marriage?" She asks. Thomas gets up and walks off. "Uh..no, haven't thought about that either...- we...just met..like..three days ago- so- yknow..- may I be excused-?" I awkwardly get up from the table, Momma nods.

There I go, off to find him again. "Tommy, where'd ya go this time?" The furnace room door was completely shut, so he wasn't there, maybe he was in his room? I checked his room, the door was shut too. I knocked. "Tommy..~ you in there? Ya big goof?" The door opens. He stood there in front of me. "I swear you get embarrassed so damn easily that it's unbelievable." I laughed. He looks off to the side. "Not like that's a bad thing!" He sighs. "Shit Tommy I'm sorry- I didn't mean it in a bad way...I'm really sorry-" He tilts his head, and smiles.

Hoyt entered the room. "Hey Tommy, that group's back again." Thomas looked down at me, kind of sorrowful, hugged me real quick, then rushed out of the room. "Tommy?" He looks back at me. "Be careful-.." He nodded. He motioned me to stay in that room until he got back. Which is what I did. I stayed in the doorway, watching him roam the house, i've never seen him look so serious. Last time I saw him was with his chainsaw, then he was gone. "Sheriff Hoyt?" I ask as he was about to walk away. "What?" "What group-?" I ask. "Don't worry about it." He left. I thought for a while, hoping that Thomas would come back safe.

Leatherface's POV:

Dammit, I thought they'd finally be gone. They picked the worst damn time to show up too. This time, i'd get the girl, or as I like to call, the leader. I've tried capturing her ass a thousand times, nothing ever worked, but it'd get her this time. Luckily I found her in the furnace room again, hiding, I started my chainsaw as I grabbed her, but of course, she had to have a knife with her. She stabbed me right in the back, I howled in pain, falling. She ran back upstairs, I was pissed. I got up again, grabbing my chainsaw, trying to bare the pain, soon, it got better, and I was able to run after her.

I looked everywhere for her, until I heard the door open. "GO! GET HER TOMMY!!" Hoyt yelled, ran out the door, starting my chainsaw again, and chased after her. No surprise that she got away, she jumped over a fence that I didn't see, cut my leg with my chainsaw once I fell. I had to lay there for a while, until the pain stopped. I got back up, dragging along my hurt leg and chainsaw.

I was finally home. "Now Thomas where the hell is she?" Hoyt asked. I showed him my leg and tried to ''explain'' how she dodged a fence that my blind ass couldn't see. "Now c'mon boy, you know damn well you coulda got 'er." I sighed. "Well you better go wrap that up, before it gets infected." He walked away, as I went back down to the furnace room.


I heard heavy footsteps enter the house. I ran downstairs, I knew it was Thomas. "Momma! Is Thomas back!?" I ask. "Downstairs." She sighs. Dammit, the furnace room. I sigh and walk down those slippery blood covered stairs. "Tommy!? You down here?" I ask, I soon see him at a desk, it seemed as if he was injured. I walked over to him, concered. "Are you alright?" His leg had a huge cut along it, he had a stab near his shoulder too. "Jesus Christ Tommy-!? What the hell happened!?" He looks up at me, I could tell he was hurting, bad. "Don't worry, I know how to fix this." I've had a few experiences with bad injuries, like the first time me and Thomas met.

I found bandage and such laying around, and got to work. Soon, all of the blood was clean, and the wounds were covered. "There ya go, it'll take a while to heal, you need rest." He titled his head. "C'mon." I grabbed his arm, leading him back upstairs. He seemed confused once we walked into his room. "Lay down for a while, you'll feel better." He smiled. I sat there with him for a while, until he fell asleep. I walked back to the living room, and sat on the couch.

"He asleep?" Hoyt asked. I nodded. "He never sleeps so early, or quickly, especially after a chasin'." "It's cause Y/N was with 'em." I heard Momma chuckle from the kitchen. "Well...I don't know about that-" I sigh. "Oh no it's true. Even I know." Hoyt added. "Well...i'm glad he feels comfortable around me." I smiled. "He sure does, Y/N. He sure does." He concluded.


Word count: 1095

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