Chapter 10 : Me? Jealous?!

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Sasha got the Bed frame out, She and Marcy started to connect the bars together, Sasha sweetly smiled, "So, anything new with the Core Situation?"

Marcy made a nervous look, "Well, I didn't take my Medication today and It's been relatively quiet."

They pulled the Mattress onto the Bed frame, Sasha furrowed Her eyebrows, " 'Relatively'?"

Marcy grabbed Her Black fitted Sheet, "Well yeah, I have been hearing some Whispers, but they're too Quiet for me to Hear."

Sasha smiled, helping Marcy put the Fitted Sheet on, "That's good, Maybe the voices are going away."

Marcy nervously smiled as She put a Black Top Sheet on the bed, "I sure hope so, Taking Meds is so Lame."

Sasha giggled, "I bet. My Clients are always upset when I prescribe Medication."

the two Started putting a white Blanket on the bed, Marcy smirked, "I don't doubt it."

Marcy grabbed Her Green comforter, Sasha made an 'ooo' sound, "That green is so pretty!"

Marcy smiled brightly, She started spreading the Comforter out on the bed, "Thanks! It's called 'May Apple'." She said in a funny 'fancy' voice,

Marcy and Sasha giggled together, Sasha let out a small sigh, "Hey, Mars?"

Marcy smiled, putting some pillows on the Bed, "Yes?"

Sasha started helping Her with the Pillows and Stuffed Animals, "There's something I've been meaning to ask."

Marcy sat on the bed, "What's up?"

Sasha sat down on the bed as well, Organizing the Squishes, "Well, I was wondering after this Morning, If you... liked Anne?"

Marcy blushed, "w-whAT?!"

Sasha forced a smile, "I- I saw your Blush when I caught you two Waking up..."

Marcy covered Her face, "I was just Embarrassed!"

Sasha chuckled, "uh-huh, sure."

Sasha put Her arm around Her, "You can tell me Marcy, I won't snitch."

Marcy blushed at the size of Sasha's arm, She looked up at Her, "Why are you so interested?"

Sasha blushed, taking Her arm off of Marcy, "Y'know... I'm uh... I'm not actually sure..."

It's true, She didn't know, First She felt Jealous of Marcy, not wanting Her to be with Anne, but after a while of thinking about it She was also jealous of... Anne?

She didn't know why, She couldn't possibly like Anne and Marcy... right?

Marcy blushed a bit, "are you... Jealous?"

Sasha's face went Red, "W-what?! Me? Jealous?!" She blew a raspberry, "not possible."

Marcy chuckled, "It's obvious you're lying..." Her blush spread, "So uh... Which one of us are you Jealous of...?"

Sasha's breath hitched, "what...?"


Anne hummed as She walked through the Store, picking up a lime and looking at it, "No bruises." She smiled, putting it in a plastic bag and then gently placing it in Her basket.

She grabbed Her notepad, checking off the '1 Lime' box, then walking over to the Peppers, She grabbed one small red pepper, then one small yellow pepper.

She happily walked over to the other vegetables, grabbing Garlic, Scallions, Cilantro, Bean Sprouts, and Roasted Peanuts.

She checked all of the Vegetables off Her list, then looked for the next thing to get, "Tamarind paste, chili garlic sauce, rice noodles, and tofu."

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