"Yes!" Argyle exclaimed, as he hit one of the car windows.

"I don't know. Part of me expected her to be on that plane. Or something. Maybe even Mira, she always wanted to come to California."

"Uh- hold on it'll come to me.. Oh yeah! Mira's that one girl right? The one in the photo with Nancy?"

"Yea. You and her would gotten along." Jonathan sighed.

"Anyways, back to Nancy, just like Hey, surprise! Here I am!" He yelled out, it echoed in the empty place.


"Eddie Munson." He slammed a photo down on the table.

"He's a part of that freak devil cult, Hellfire. The cops, they say Chrissy went to him to buy drugs."

"Drugs? No." Patrick said.

"That's what I said. Chrissy would never touch that shit. They wouldn't even show her parents her face. I don't know what this freak did to chrissy, but he did something sick."

"Probably sacrificed her, drained her blood for the devil. Satanist's do that." One said.

An: Me as a satanist does indeed not do that, but that's just me 🤷🏽‍♀️ you do you boo

"That's what I'm saying. It's this cult. He's-" Jason said, but Lucas interrupted him.

"Hellfire isn't a cult. It's... it's just a D&D club. D...D&D? Dungeons and Dragons?"

Everyone gave him odd looks, confused on how he knew that much.

"It's... like a... it's like a game. It's...it's fantasy."

"And how exactly is it you know all of that, Sinclair?" One of them asked.

"Uh...well, it's my sister. Yeah, she's like... she's like a total nerd. You know?" He said.

"Yeah." He said, sounding not very convinced.

"Nerds? Like she plays a lot sometimes—"

"Look, I'm sure your sister isn't killing people, right? But I've read the wrong person plays this game, it can warp their mind. They confuse fantasy and reality, and innocent people die. I mean it's been happening all over the county it's an epidemic." Jason said.

"I've read about that shit. It's real." Patrick said.

"And I think Eddie...He's the wrong type of person, right? You know he got lost. He thought Chrissy was just a part of his... his sick game. And chances are, he's still in the game. Meaning-"

"He's gonna kill again." One of them finished for him.

"But not if we can help it. Would Chrissy want us to just stand by while the cops go around pursuing some bullshit leads, spreading rumors saying she's some druggy?"

"No!" They all said.

"No, she'd want us to go out there to do something about it, wouldn't she?"


"Then let's hunt some freak!"


"For Chrissy!"


"Let's go!"


Jason took a lighter and put it to the photo, burning it.

Everyone except for Lucas erupted into cheers.


"Have you seen or heard from Eddie recently?" Dustin asked someone on the phone

"Eddie Munson." Max said.

"When's the last time you talked to him?"

"Seen him?"

Dustin sighed "Okay. Sorry to bother you."

"Wait!" Mira said, a thought popping into her head and she jumped up from the counter.

"Wait about Reefer Rick?"

"Who's Reefer Rick?" They all asked at the same time. Max and Robin had hung up. While Steve gave a movie to some girl.

"It's who he gets his Shit from." Mira said.

"Oh great-" Dustin said.


Dustin sighed "But what?"

"No one knows where he lives. He's more of like- I guess you could say a legend? I'm pretty sure Reefer isn't his actual last name."

"Bet the cops know the last name." Steve said, and they all turned to him.

Mira shoved his shoulder.

"What?" Max said.

"Cops. I mean listen if this Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer, I guarantee you he's been busted at some point. Means he's in the system."

"The cops?" Mira and Dustin said at the same time.

Dustin turned to Mira then back to Steve, continuing what he was going to say.

"Really Steve? That's your suggestion?"

"I mean- I just think they should be filled in on what we know, what's going on."

"You think Eddie's guilty, don't you?" Mira said, sighing and sitting back on the counter.

"Whoa. I believe in innocent until proven guilty, all that constitutional shit. I just.. you know, don't think we can rule it out."

"That's precisely what we're trying to do here, Steve. You fucking idiot." Mira said, hitting the back of his head and he muttered and "ow."

"And we could have more luck if you stopped trying to find a girlfriend." Mira said, and this time he hit her on the back of the head.

"Somebody has to attend to the customers." Steve defended.

"Especially if they're babes, right?" Robin winked.

"Hey not fair. I attend to all customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. We've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people."

Robin had an idea pop into her head

"Yeah it can be."

The freaks- Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now