Chapter 1:

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Light filtered through Lena's eyes as she opened them, sitting up, the brunette adjusted her vision to a room lit with a blue hue from lights situated on the wall, she was lying on a large bed, looking down she saw she was dressed in a black lacy dress, seemingly tailored precisely to her curves. Lena stood up from the bed with a wobble, a splitting headache forming as she did. With a slightly blurred vision, Lena looked around the room, searching for any clue as to where she was. The room was dark, with grey walls and floors, and brown floor-length curtains. The sheets she had woken up on were a light grey, almost silver, made of a silky material, nothing like she had seen before. The room seemed so alien to Lena, very different from any room she had seen on earth. Lena took a moment to take it in, from the bioluminescent light fixtures to the strangely shaped headboard, and the feel of the silky sheets she had rested on. She rubbed it in between her fingers as she pondered if it was made of a similar material to Supergirl's cape, which she had felt when she was showering Kara with questions about it after she had found out Kara was Supergirl. The sound of fast-approaching footsteps, and a voice invaded her thoughts, it was one of a woman, she was commanding for the doors to be opened to the room Lena was in. Lena quickly sat back down and in strode a woman, with brown hair and tanned skin, dressed in a grey gown, and a grey headpiece situated on top of her head.

"Lena, dear, you're finally up", she said coming to sit beside Lena, reaching out for her hand. Hesitantly letting her take it, Lena looked up at her, her vision starting to become less blurry, she recognised her as the woman whom she had looked up to, working with to build the transmitter portal that would help so many aliens in returning to their home planets.

"Rhea?", sitting up straighter, Lena's memories caught up with her. Rhea had lied to her about her intentions with the transmitter portal and had flooded National City with daxamites. "Where the hell am I?" pulling her hand from Rheas, Lena scooted further away from her.

"I've been looking after you, ever since Supergirl nearly killed you when she attacked our portal.", she said, moving a strand of hair out of Lena's face. Lena pulled her head back, away from Rhea's cool touch. All she could remember was being next to Rhea and Supergirl, they were fighting. Kara was trying to stop her. The last thing she heard was Kara calling out to her after she had been knocked to the floor by a blast, and then everything went black.

"Supergirl tried to stop you- I should have stopped you." Lena turned her lip at her, "You lied to me... you used me". Lena felt like a fool for falling for her antics, having trusted her, having revelled in having an ounce of what resembled a mother-daughter relationship with this woman.

"I did what I had to do for my people. But I did it for you too." Rhea said, smiling at Lena, one that was far too sweet to be genuine. "You are meant for better and bigger things Lena. This planet is a waste of your potential. You represent the best of your race. I am going to create a society, worthy of you." Rhea stood up and walked to the window near the far side of the bed, pulling on the brown curtains, light filling the room. Lena followed, cautiously walking toward her. She followed Rhea's line of sight, peering out the window she saw dozens of ships, destroying National City. Daxamites were flooding the streets with guns, wreaking havoc on its citizens. Lena gasped and took a step backwards. Turning to her, Rhea grabbed the brunette by the shoulders, "Get comfortable Lena, you are where you belong... beside me, presiding over this new world that we will create together." Lena felt sick as she watched Rhea look proudly over the destruction of the CEO's home.

Flinching at a particularly large explosion, Lena stepped out of Rhea's grasp. She walked back over to the bed and sat down. Lena needed a plan; Rhea was not going to let her just walk out of this. She needed to act as though she is agreeing to Rhea's plans if she were to get anywhere, she can't imagine defying the Daxamite would benefit her in any way. She needed to find out exactly what Rhea wanted from her, and she needed to gain her trust if she was to have any freedom here, she needed figure out how escape from the ship and put an end to the inevitable war that was going to outbreak on earth.

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