Chapter 4:

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"So how do we get onto the ship?"

"Straight to the punch as always Supergirl", the older Luthor remarked.

"We haven't got much time to spare, the Daxamites are ruining National City, the more time we spend dilly-dallying the more time we waste, and more lives are lost."

"Dilly-dallying? I truly don't know what my daughter sees in you", Kara huffs as she stalks past the smirking woman.

They approach the doors to the fortress of Solitude, which Kara was reluctant to take the oldest Luthor to. There is a device that Lillian claims can transport someone from one place to another when tweaked to the correct coordinates.

"How do you know this will work?"

"It was my son that invented this device Supergirl, taken from him by your incompetent cousin." Lillian picks the device up in her cold hands, "It had so much potential, a device that can take you anywhere in the world..."

"The ship is hovering above Klyde Park at the moment, it shouldn't take long to identify the coordinates."

Inspecting the device in her hands, Lillian sighs, "It's broken, I can get it fixed within a few hours. Hopefully, the ship stays put until then."

The super keeps a careful eye on the older Luthor, she can't trust her to not sabotage the device or to sabotage anything else in the Fortress. She did not want to bring her to such a sacred place for her and Kal-El, but she was desperate. Lena and Mon-El are in danger, as well as the whole of National City. They've been gone not 24 hours and Kara is wrapped up in a trap of nerves. Every second that goes by, there are more people of National City getting hurt and killed, too many of them to fight off, Kara feels helpless. On top of that, two of the most important people in Kara's life are captured by a merciless monarch. From what Kara had heard about the Queen of Daxam, she was a cold and callous ruler, built on corrupt morals, participating in slave trade and other cruel and barbaric practices. The Queen built her society based on fear, scaring her subjects into submission and obedience. Kara was not going to let Earth be turned into the new Daxam.

"I'm not going to double-cross you Supergirl, at least not today. You can ease up with that stare of yours, I feel as though you'll burn a hole through my head." Lillian piped.

Kara crossed her arms over her chest rolling her eyes, "I won't... not today."

"I do love my daughter; it may not be in the way most mothers do. She's her father's bastard child after all and isn't as cunning or as intelligent as Lex, but she's got that Luthor blood in her, you can see it in her eyes," Lillian tinkers with the device, soldering and reattaching components, "She will come to her senses one day, realise that all aliens do is cause harm and turmoil... then, she will be unstoppable."

Kara strides forward, "Lena is nothing like you and the rest of your family, she's kind and smart, she has a beautiful soul, she would never do the things you want her to".

"Look at what damage your kind is doing to this city. This is exactly what I said would happen, do you think she will be so forgiving when she leaves that ship to find her city in ruins?" Lillian smirks.

"They're not my kind" Kara huffs, "Lena is nothing like you say she is".

"Oh, but you're all the same. Is it not you who brought the prison Fort Rozz with you when you crashed into our planet, unleashing alien criminals into our population that wreaked havoc across the world? Was it not you that when affected by red kryptonite, you terrorised the city, causing mass panic, and casualties? You have power under your fingertips Supergirl – too much to control completely. You and your kind have only brought this planet destruction. Soon, my daughter will realise this, and when she does, she will stand with me, to rid the planet of alien filth like you."

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