Chapter 2

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The next morning
Y/M/N:wake up y/n it's time for school
Y/N:I'm up mother
School. I hate school. Well I mean we all do at least Eriks gonna be there
Y/S/N:hey y/n excited for school?
Y/N:not really your so lucky you don't start for another week! Oh there's a boy he's called Lyle he's starting there too you know. You should get to know him
Y/S/N:is he one of the boys you hang out with?
Y/N: yeah the older one I can take you to meet him once I'm done with school
Y/S/N: sure
Back to school. I hated it. But at least I've got y/n.
I walked up to her house knocking on the door
Y/M/N:Erik! Hi let me just shout her Y/N! ERIKS HERE
Y/N:let's go Erik! Bye mom see you later!
I was nervous. But it's ok to be nervous everyone gets nervous sometimes. But Eriks car was amazing a shiny white jeep. I wish I could drive too
Y/N: oh Erik is it ok if my sister comes round later I thought she could meet Lyle since they start collage together.
Erik: does that mean I get you? {he says under his breath}
Y/N: what was that sorry?
Erik:oh I was talking to myself doesn't matter
I knew exactly what he said I wasn't stupid but I will admit it made me smile just a bit 
I think she heard me whoops oh well maybe not she didn't say anything whatever forget about it
We arrived it was massive quite scary but I'm sure I'll be fine first period is maths that should be easy
Erik: oh we don't have any lessons together {he said with a thrown} it's ok I guess we will just have to meet after school. I'll wait for you in the entrance hall
Erik:hey gorgeous how was it?
Y/N: shut up! anyways boring I'm never gonna last I fell asleep 3 times got the ruler slammed on the desk in front of me twice AND THE THRID TIME THEY ASKED ME FOR THE ANSWER
Erik: not good then?
Y/N: no shit

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