How Responsible of You

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You help with her grandma
You usually have breakfast for her when she gets to school
You fix her hair when it's a mess which it usually is
You try to keep her focused but-


You might as well be his second mom
You call him a bunch of times to get him up early
If he won't after 5 you give up
You also try to fix his hair but it does what it wants
You may need to fix his shirt cause dude comes in with it backwards and inside out
You can try to keep him focused


The only thing you can do for her is make sure her clothes are on correctly and her hair is brushed
Keep her focused during school


She's more responsible for you than you are for her
She makes sure you wake up early
She always has some kind of food for you in her bag just in case
Clothes, hair, books, ect
Keeps you out of trouble and focused


You always have food in your bag for him and a spare brush
You may or may not have some hair ties and hair clips for him
You need to keep him focused in class
One problem is you don't even have to look to know he's staring at you


Keep him focused and out of trouble
Keep his phone while in class
Try to motivate him

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