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Well let's start with who am I?

Well I'm a person but not a ordinary one

My name is Park Ha-Eun but I prefer being hidden to the world so I'll be Aria to the world where no one knows or cares I exist

I'm a quiet, insecure, anxious person who has anxiety and panic attacks too often, it has become a habit to be honest

Well I started off as a person a ordinary one I guess but then I meet her and everything changed

My life

My feelings

My world changed

Well you see I always believed I was straight but I met HER and everything changed

I started feeling emotions I never felt before

I started hearing voices I never heard before other than the voices in my head from the insecure and anxious me

What did she do to me?

And why could I feel and hear that one person louder than anyone else

Am I falling for a girl?

But I don't know her

I haven't seen her

Who is she?

Why is she the one?

But why is SHE the one?

Why is she doing all this to me?

Do I love her?

Is she my future?

My destiny?

My love?

My answer to every question I have?

My partner for life?

The air I struggle to get while a panic attack?

The piece I have been missing my whole life?

My confidence?

My one and everything?

But how is she- or why is she- or when did she-

The questions still continue and as for who is SHE still lays a mystery....

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