Chapter 1

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"Why choose Ranboo? HE'S AMERICAN!", "Plus, he's not a very handsome British man." Tommy said, giving a clear impression that he was talking about himself.
"I mean he's cool" Billzo responded.
"But Billzo,HE'S AMERICAN!" Tommy argued.
"Your cool also" Bill added.
"But I am better than Ranboo." Tom said, still giving obvious hints. "Ranboos my man though." Billzo responded very cluelessly of Tommy's very obvious hints.
"But why? When can I be your man king?" Tommy asked a little upset. "I dunno." Was all that Billzo said.
"Then choose me! I have one thing up against Ranboo, it's that IM British." Tommy Continued to "argue".
"You and Ranboo then." Bill stated, trying to compromise with Tommy. Just as he said that, Aimsey joined in. "I'm British too." She pointed out. "No" Tommy replied.
"Im better thank you." Billzo said very confidently.
"Billzo this isn't very pogchamp." Tommy said pouting.

"Please Billzo? I'll marry you." Tommy convinced. Billzo stayed in silence, a little flattered by Toms words. "Did Ranboo propose? NOPE! Which means I'm better." Tommy continued.
"Tommy I'm very flattered-" Billzo finally replied. "I am your No.1 fan Billzo." He added.
"I don't know.." Bill said, still unconvinced by Toms words. "PLEASE BILLZO! ILL DO ANYTHING. IM BETTER THAN RANBOO I PINKY PROMISE!! HE'S AN AMERICAN, YOU CANT LOVE AN AMERICANNN!!" Tommy begged.
"You see, I look the best with Bill. Plus I have evidence!" Aimsey stated. "But Aimsey, that's straight-" Tommy replied.

Words: 247

Tommy x Aimsey x BillzoWhere stories live. Discover now