Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Hope's eyes were fighting from fluttering shut as she smiled at Josies story.
"You thought I was pretty?" Hope spoke innocently.
"Always," Josie responded as she kissed her.

"It's at a 6 now," Hope muttered, her eyes now closed.
"Get some rest my love," Josie spoke as Hope moved closer to her and wrapped her arm across Josies waist, holding her like she was clutching a teddy bear.

Josie heard footsteps approaching them as Hope slept in her arms.
"How is she?" Rebekah whispered from behind in utter adoration at their love.

"Better than she was but still not very good," Josie responded as she stroked Hope's hair.

"I hate to do this, but Alaric has asked for her to come back to the school. He won't make her or you go to lessons, he says he has to keep and eye on her. And make sure she isn't a danger or whatever nonsense he's calling it," Rebekah tried to whisper but her hidden anger made the volume increase slightly.

"Okay. Can you just give us a few minutes?" Josie asked. Rebekah nodded and returned back to the school.

"Hope?" Josie whispered gently.

There was no response, the red haired girl was practically passed out in her arms.

"I'm taking you back to the school. I'm not leaving we are just moving locations okay?" Josie said as she picked her up.

Hope still couldn't hear but Josie said it anyway. Any sort of comfort Josie could give her Josie wanted.

Carrying Hope to her dorm, Josie was greeted by her dad at the gate.
"Dad go away. If you wake her up and she sees you she'll be 100 times worse than she is," Josie urged as she tried to move past him, being careful not to wake Hope.

"I need her to wear these," Alaric stated as he held out a pair of magic nullifying shackles.

"No" Josie sternly whispered as she moved back away from him to protect Hope. "She is not being put in shackles again after what just happened to her!"

"Josie.. remember what happened last time she was this upset, the school almost burned down!" Alaric complained as he moved closer to put the chains on Hope. Josie moved back again, her arms siphoning Hope incase she needed to protect her more powerfully.

"She only did that because she was alone and scared and you were treating her like a monster. Now step back and let me take my girlfriend to her room so she can sleep comfortably. Or else you and I are going to have more problems than we already do," Josie spoke angrily as she used her magic to shove him out of the way.

Rebekah watched from a distance and smiled, she could already see the Mikaelson in Josie.

Hope stirred in her sleep as Josie was about to set her down.
"Please stop," she whispered. Josie checked to see if she was awake, scared she was hurting her but Hope was still asleep.
"Please someone help me," she said louder, "please," she cried.

Josie held Hope again as her nightmare caused her to start sobbing in her arms. "I want Josie," Hope cried as she started hyperventilating.

"Hope it's okay I'm right here. I'm here," Josie conforted as she stroked her cheek, wiping tears away with her thumb.

Hope woke up scared as she clung to Josies shirt. Josie of course held her, protecting her. She would kill the people in Hope's nightmare if she could.

"Shhhh its okay. I'm here. You're okay you're safe," Josie repeated until she felt Hope's breath even out.

"I'm sorry," Hope sniffled

"Dont be sorry. It's not your fault it's okay. Can you tell me what you saw?" Josie asked as Hope now sat up facing her.

Josie noticed Hope's hesitation. "It's okay take your time," she soothed.

"I was back there. And he was hurting me and I couldn't move. And I'm scared," Hope sobbed quietly

Hope's use of present tense when describing her fear made Josie wrap her arms around her. Hope buried her face into Josies shoulder as Josie whispered comforting things to her.

Josie figured that it was probably Alaric and his god-damn shackles that triggered her nightmare. She never hated him more.

"Baby why don't you try and get some more rest you're sleepy," Josie urged as Hope was practically being held by Josie as she leaned on her.

"But I'm scared. The number is an 8 now," Hope said groggily almost angry at herself for letting the number get higher.

"It's okay I'm going to be here the whole time. And you can have fluffy with you. Nothing is going to happen I promise," Josie spoke as she handed Hope her teddy.

"Okay now go to sleep. It's okay," Josie whispered as she traced circles on Hope's forearm which gave Hope butterflies everytime she did it.

As she began to fall asleep, Josie whispered as incantation for good dreams and she comforted Hope into a peaceful rest.

Double update today bc the legacies finale comes out in a few hours ( I'm in UK and can't watch until tomorrow tho so :(((. )

Anyway I hope u all have a great day and this is ur reminder to drink water if u haven't.
Ily <33333

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