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   you fell asleep with your laptop on, the sound of naruto's voice talking in the back of your mind. you could've sworn that you slept with a blanket on. Why was it so cold? You rolled over and instead of feeling like a mattress, it felt like laying on tiles. cold, hard tiles. it made you slowly sit up, rubbing your eyes. 'where am I?' you think to yourself. you turn ver, feeling your hair move a little with you. your eyes open a bit more, attempting to take in your surroundings, but they never adjust to this darkness. 'i said it once and I'll say it twice. where am I?'

you stand up and turn around. a chill dances along your spine and forces the hairs on the ack of your neck to stand. you turn all the way around." He-." you paused

'Oh my god, Y/n have you never seen a horror movie?! you never just yell "HeLlO" into darkness you idiot!' you reminded yourself. The sound of naruto still seemed to sound through this abyss. you decided to follow it.

' ok so if I die this is my fault right? I mean horror movie rules state that we don't go walking around dark places by ourselves. and following sounds..' you took a deep inhale as the temperature seemed to drop again. ' GhOsTs CaUsE temperature DrOpS.' You chuckled slightly, but it faded as a small light appeared. your head tilted to the side. The light seemed to grow bigger, though you weren't a movie. Naruto's voice also grew in volume the bigger this light got. you took a step back, and it got bigger. you began running the opposite way. 'i feel like Indiana jones- NOWS NOT THE TIME FOR THAT!'

you ran so fast that your legs started hurting, but you were getting nowhere. you began sweating yet you got sucked in anyway. it almost felt like falling in a dream, but hearing the wind in your ears and feeling it whip your hair around was all too real. and your eyes began to water and instead of them falling down your face they went up into the sky that stretched endlessly above you. you fell through the treeline and you expected the ground in seconds, but it never happened. you could feel the grass around you, but you weren't dead. you sat up quickly. and were greeted with a face you had almost memorized a long time ago and had seen minutes ago.

'oh dear god, I'm gonna die arent i?'

So I deleted the original Quotev Authors note, not really relevant here


*edited January 11 2020*

*added to Wattpad with some changes: ykw I'm not doing this*

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