impossible heights

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Don’t falter my windflower,

Keep spinning and someday for sure the skies will be yours. 


Down at earth, his parents were dwellers,

Grazers of land, deep-diggers.

Born into a world where the cornfields flow forever and ever,

And there was no sky in no one’s eyes.

But he did not crave that of stone, all that glitters.

“You are not of the beasts that roam the skies, 

Roaring flame in their eyes, you were not born to fly.

Turn to the ground, dig deep at good earth,

Forget the skies of baby blue eyes.”

Though the land was vast,

He couldn’t help but blanch,

no matter how far he ran he couldn’t feel the rush of getting higher.

With every cavort he fell back to earth, groundbound. 

Though everything below you is pulling you down,

Praying fervently for your defeat,

I gift you the courage to thrash through your shackles,

And make for the skies,

Don’t widen your eyes.

You have been the greatest beast of all, 

All the time,

Widen your eyes,

Get ready for the combustion as large as an atomic field,

That is why,

It takes everything to press you back down,

Don’t falter my windflower,

Keep spinning and someday for sure the skies will be yours. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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