27 | Waiting Room

Start from the beginning

"The reason we're here is because of Jean." She answered, bluntly.

"What the hell do you mean because of Jean?" Eren asked, slightly raising his voice from confusion.

Historia sighed, "After the dance yesterday, Jean invited Connie to his place. They were there the whole night and Connie said Jean was sad and went to the bathroom, but never came out." She explained, her voice shaking.

"Never came out? I'm not understanding—where the fuck is Jean!?" I said, demanding  her for an answer.

"Connie—He found Jean on the bathroom floor, unresponsive. At first, none of us believed him, but then he told us to meet him and his mom here." She said, holding back tears.

It felt like my heart collapsed into my stomach. I looked at Eren and then right back at Historia, unsure if this was a dream of some sort. Eren's face became blank. It was almost like he was stuck in time—completely frozen.

His eyes had never left Historia's.

I slightly backed away, my hands shaking, my breathing escalating, my eyes flooding with an excessive amount of tears.

"...Y-You're lying. Please tell me that you're lying." I cried out, begging her to tell me if this some sort of cruel, sick joke.

She paused for a minute, before finally deciding to respond, "I wish I was, (Y/N). I wish I could tell you that this was some sort of stupid prank, but it's not." She said, tears escaping from her eyes.

It hit me that this was reality, that this was actually happening. As much as I wished this was a dream, it was quite literally the opposite—a living nightmare.

"N-no! Why is she here?!" Connie voiced, pointing directly at me. I gauchely stood there, staring at him in uttermost shock. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing could come out.

I was completely voiceless.

"You fucking did this! You did this to Jean, you hear me!?" He shouted, rushing towards me.

"Now isn't the time to do this, Connie. Please just calm down for everyone's sake." Hanji stated, calmly.

"No, Hanji. Now's the perfect time to do this shit! If it weren't for you being a hoe and bouncing in between two dudes, none of this would've happened!" Connie yelled, his eyes were enraged and his words were like venom.

"It's not her fault that this happened. You can't put the blame on anyone!" Eren butted in, defending me.

Connie pulled Eren's collar and groaned, "You don't get to fucking speak! You were like a brother to Jean and you treated him like shit. You treated all of us like shit." He disputed, bitterly.

Reiner had approached Connie and pulled him away from Eren and I. "Come on Connie, take a seat." He suggested.

"How dare you silence Connie! He may be an idiot, but he's actually right for once." Sasha voiced, intentionally avoiding eye-contact with me.

"I might not ever get the chance to tell him that I like him and that's all because of you, (Y/N)." Mikasa stated emotionlessly, her facial expression stone-cold.

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