Chapter 2: What is that?!

Start from the beginning

"That's Nice, Honestly I'm happy you won't be puking slugs anymore." Said Alaina

"Don't remind me." Muttered Ron

"Well, I have something to tell you guys too." Said Alaina

"Talk." Said Hermione

"Ok, well, last night, when I went to Claire's Room, we sneaked out." Said Alaina

"You sneaked out?!" Asked Hermione

"Yeah." Said Alaina

"And you didn't get caught?" Harry asked

"Not at all." Said Alaina

"That's totally Barbaric! You can't just-"

"I know I know, but I couldn't help it!" Said Alaina

"What did you two even do out there?" Asked Ron

"Oh it was amazing! We landed up in the woods, and then Claire took her pets out, and then all these Fireflies and somehow faires started flying away, so we followed them and they started dancing around, and then we danced around, and then we layed down and looked at the stars and then we came back here." Said Alaina

"Wow." Gaped Ron

"And what about you and Claire?" Asked Harry slightly teasing

"Well we became friends and we are friends, for now." Said Alaina

"That sounds fun." Said Harry

Just then, all the Weasley's walked in.

"Not flashing that clipping again, are you Ron?" Asked George

"I haven't shown anyone!" Said Ron

"No not a soul!" Fred Mocked

"Not unless you count Tom."

"The Day Maid."

"The Night Maid."

"The Cook."

"The bloke who came to fix the toilet."

"And that wizard from Belgium!"

"Did Ron really talk to all those people in that much amount of time?!" Alaina asked

"Yeah, all about his new wand." Said George

"Almost as tiring as how people get with us." Said Fred

"Harry!" Said Mrs Weasley as she greeted Harry

"And hello to you Alaina!" Said Mrs Weasley

"Good Morning Mrs Weasley." Said Alaina

"It's so good to see you two! Do you both have everything?" Said Mrs Weasley

"All Packed." Said Alaina


Lila and Frank came downstairs.

"Hey Mum, Hey Dad!" Said Alaina

"Ah Lila, good to see you again!" Said Molly

"Same to you and to you as well Mr Weasley!" Said Lila

Molly was quite short compared to Lila, as Lila was tall and Blonde, but not as tall as Frank.

Although Frank still had his Raven Hair.

"Wonderful to see the Weasley's again." Said Frank

"How's your wand Ronald?" Asked Frank

"Better, and don't call me Ronald." Said Ron, muttering out those last words

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