"Good plan." She said.

The two sprinted along the trench, grabbing 4 clones along the way and informing the first officer that he was in charge of the attack while the Commander and Captain were gone.

It gave her slight happiness to find that one of the clones they had grabbed had been the one who smiled at her. He was still alive.

After that, the rest of the mission seemed to fly by.

They circled around, cutting the droids off from their support and started decimating their forces. It didn't take long them for them to recover their forces and take control of the rest of the Separatist base.

Not long after, Master Krell arrived, hopping off his gunship like the general he was. Ahsoka briefly noted his look of disgust at the dead clones around him, but she quickly tucked that thought away. Soon, these clones would be gone and new ones would replace them. It'd be like nothing ever changed.

"Master Krell." She said, approaching him with her back straight, respectful bow, and eyes downward. "We've taken control of the base. Captain CT-1749 is inside now taking care of any remaining forces."

Master Krell merely glanced at her, something she had discovered was an indication that he had heard her, and moved on, entering the base.

As Krell walked away, her pinched shoulders sagged and dropped, hanging limply at her sides. She tried to stifle the ever present feeling of nausea and started focusing on trying to stop her head from spinning. They never covered this part of war in her lessons.

Seeing how Krell had left, she assumed the role of organizing the clones and making sure they all were attended to.

To her relief, most of them seemed to be working, making her job that much easier. Gunships were flying down, taking the wounded in them and delivering supplies and tech necessary for taking control of the base.

Every officer was taking care of his men, whether it be ordering them to start working on one project or another, or letting them rest. Ahsoka assumed all was well.

Seeing how she had no current responsibilities, she found the nearest rock and settled down. She wasn't going to fall asleep, of course, but a few minutes of resting her eyes wouldn't hurt anyone, could it?


A loud explosion rocked the planet, jolting Ahsoka up and to her feet in an instant, her lightsabers at the ready. Her eyes quickly scanned the field and fell upon the Seppie base, which had erupted in flames.

Ah hell.

Clones shouted around her as she raced towards the flames.

The furnace was much too large. They couldn't get anyone inside if they wanted to.

"You." She pointed to the nearest clone. "Where's the General."

"Him along with the Captain and a few clones were still inside, sir." He informed, saluting before racing off to help with the futile effort of calming the flames.

There was no time.

There was no time.

Ahsoka searched for the nearest entrance. A place where she could enter with minimal damage, and then also (hopefully) escape through. She needed to get to her Master. He was in there somewhere. He needed her help.

Suddenly an opening to her left. The flames died down, if only for a second. She raced towards it, but right as she reached the threshold, a large body came barreling out.

Master Krell ran straight into her, tossing her body to the side as he fell down in a heap of coughs.

"Master!" She cried, racing over to him, and stopping right before him.

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