Hours before Becky arrived at the forger household, Damian was starting his day. He brushed his teeth, made his bed and ate his breakfast. Damian walked back into his room and let out a deep breath as he opened his closet door. His face paled at the realization that...he didn't know what to wear.
"Ugh!" He growled as he threw several pieces of clothing on the floor. "Why didn't I check yesterday!?" He yelled as he threw out ties, socks, and shirts. (I made all these preparations and for what!? What type of style should I go for!? Does she like elegant formal clothing!? Or maybe something more casual!? What does she like!?) He rummaged through the mess of clothing on the floor. "Wait! What am I thinking!?" (I-It doesn't matter what I wear! I know that shrimp has had a crush on me since orientation!) "Wh-whatever I wear will surely impress her!" He said confidently with a crooked grin. His mouth twitched and he slumped into the pile of clothing. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. And at that moment, a knock came from the door. He hastily got up and shoved as much clothes as he could into his closet. "Y-yes?" The door opened to reveal Ewen. "The phones ringing, they say it's for you lord Damian!" He then noticed the mess in their room. "Uhh, what happened? Did you lose something Damian?" His face went a peachy pink as he quickly stood up. "I'll clean this up when I come back!" Ewen moved out of his way and sighed. (He didn't even answer my question...)

Damian walks up to their dorm room phone and picks it up to his ear. "This is Damian Desmond speaking." The line was silent for a second before he heard the other person on the other line clear their throat. "Are you ready master Damian?" His heart beat rapidly picked up it's pace. (How long was I looking for clothes!? Did I waste that much time, for Jeeves to all ready be here for me!?) "Ah-yes, yes I am..." His voice didn't do too well a job at supporting his statement.
"Hmm, I will arrive shortly, are you sure you are ready?" Silence. "Hm?" His tone sounded so calm, yet it distinctively told Damian to tell the truth. "N-no." A small sign of understanding came from the other line. "I thought so, do you need help choosing an outfit?" More silence. "Master Damian." This time he sounded much more stern.
"...Yes please, sorry..." Damian felt uncomfortable, he hated asking for help. "No need master Damian, it is my pleasure to help you. Asking for help makes you a better person, remember that." Damian fidgeted with the telephone line, already tired of the conversation. "Yes, I will...thank you Jeeves."
"Of course, I will see you soon. For the time being, have your list in order, it's always right to prepare." The line went silent for a third time. "...g-good bye ..." The the call ended. Jeeves sighed. (I think it might be time for a refresher on telephone manners.)

Anya sat in silence on the couch with Yor and bond by her side as Loid stood by the window in deep thought. (2:58...only 1 minute and 26, 25, 24, 23...) Anya unintentionally glared at him, instantly gaining his attention. "What's the matter, are you not feeling well? You could always just stay home. Don't feel pressured to go out with him. It's alright if you changed your mind, or even didn't want to go in the first place!" He had a charming yet chilling smile on his face. Yor tensed up a bit. (Loid seems to be conflicted, how cute! Wait...) Anya then glared at her mama. "Anya wants to go on an ooting with Sy-on boy!" She sounded a bit more angry than she ment to, but she just felt a bit cranky because of the headache she had gotten from hearing Loid's constant thoughts. Loid suddenly choked out of nowhere. Yor quickly stood up and put a hand on his back. "L-loid are you okay?" He cleared his throat and put on a tense smile. "I-I'm fine Yor, just cought something in my throat" (WHAT!? DOES SHE REALLY WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH HIM THAT BAD!? I can't let her go...I'll just make up some kind of excuse and then-) the faint sound of a car stopping could be heard, and because of his great hearing he could instantly tell it was a limousine, around three tons and the latest model if his ears didn't lie to him. "Golly, did you hear that? It must be Sy-on boy, I'll be going now. Bye Mama, bye Papa!" She quickly grabbed her tiny bag and ran out the door. "Huh!? Anya wait! Let us see you off!" Yor tried to stop her but the door had already shut. She looked back to Loid to see if he would have a say in any of this but was shocked to see him as white as a sheet.

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