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Called a teenage boy with a crescent smile in his eyes.  Call him Park Jimin who is a little friend of Jeon Jungkook.

"What do you call me Park?"

"Hey! Come on Dear, stop calling me by my first name. Tch, even though I've said it many times. Ah! Forget it. You've heard from Jin Hyung, haven't you?"
Said the young man Park at length.

"I'm busy. What's the news?"
Jungkook asked then.

"Huh, his little brother, Kim Taehyung... He's... back"
Jimin said who managed to make Jeon jungkook's steps stop then approached Jimin who was left quite far behind him.

"Say it one more time!"
Jungkook asked which sounded like a snarl.  However, Jimin kept silent and chose to stare intently at the two netra who were also looking at him with a look that was difficult for him to interpret.

"Park Jimin!! I said Say it again what you just said!!"
His demands made Jimin sigh.

"I told you that Kim Taehyung is back. But...He's different. He's not the Kim Taehyung that you and we both know..."

It was her low voice that silenced Jungkook.  Then he chose to walk away from Pemuda Park who was still standing where he was.  He knew where Jeon's youth would go, because he knew very well his best friend's thoughts.

"That sucks.."


"Jin hyung!"

"Jungkook?!. Why are you here?"

"Forget it Hyung! Tell me! Is Taehyung really back?!"

"Where did you get-"

"Just answer hyung!"
Jungkook snapped which made Kim Seokjin silent.

"Please, hyung.."
Jungkook's low voice made Seokjin realize his residence.

"Yeah. But, he's not the Taehyung you know anymore Jungkook. You can't see him for now. So Hyung please go away"

"But I miss him Hyung. Let me meet him. I promise I won't make the same mistake. I will fix everything"
He whispered then.

"Tomorrow. I'll let you meet him, but tomorrow. Let him rest for today he must be tired because the flight here is very exhausting. So hurry back to school or you'll be late."

Hearing Seokjin's narrative, Jungkook couldn't help but nod and then choose to leave Kim's Apartment.

Seeing Jungkook's departure from his residence, Seokjin decided to meet his brother.


"Tae...Hyung brought you food. Let's eat it while it's still warm"
He said softly while stroking his brother's mane.

However, there was no answer from the master.  Seokjin who saw his younger brother who just stared blankly ahead felt his heart sliced.  This is not his sister, since Taehyung's arrival at the airport he was surprised to see his younger brother who had no expression other than flat as well as empty eyes that only had a look of desperation and no intention to live there even his steps were guided by his messenger servant, according to him his sister is currently not  very different from the statue.

"You want Hyung to feed him?"


"Okay. Now open your mouth. Aaaa..."

Seeing his younger brother taking a bribe from him made Seokjin feel happy.  Right now Seokjin wants to make his little brother full like he used to be.

After receiving the fourth mouthful, Taehyung shook his head which made Seokjin understand that his little brother was already full.  Then he helped Taehyung drink water and handed out some medicine pills that Taehyung received then drank the medicine with the help of Water.

"Now get some rest. Hyung knows you must be tired, sleep well Brother Hyung. Don't forget to wake up. Hyung loves you.."
He said while kissing his sister's forehead.

After confirming that Taehyung had fallen asleep, Seokjin finally chose to leave his brother's room but his steps suddenly stopped after hearing the first softness that came out of his brother's mouth since he came home from his absence.


Suddenly Seokjin shed the tears he had been holding back and turned to his little brother who was fast asleep but the master's forehead creased which indicated that he had not slept well.

"Sob... sorry hyung. Hyung knows you must miss him. Sob... hyung doesn't want to see you always shedding tears again because of a man like him. But what can hyung do?...hyung now feels like a bad and bad older brother  for you. Sorry hyung Tae hiks...sobs.."

This is Kim Seokjin.  He is just a young teenager who is skilled at playing a cheerful and firm role behind his very fragile figure.  He will never show his true nature to anyone, especially to his sister whom he loves dearly.

"Don't cry hyung..Tae doesn't like it"
Seokjin flinched because suddenly a memory flashed when little Taehyung tried to comfort Seokjin when he was sad.  Instantly, she burst into tears.  He really missed the moment where his sister was always there for him when he felt down, but when his sister experienced the same thing even more he couldn't help her other than cheer her up even though in the end it didn't produce any results.  So, Let him let out all his emotions with tears for now.  He promised that afterward he would become even stronger.


"Hey! Stop being so gloomy Jeon!!"

"Get out of the way Park!! You're ruining my mind!"

"You two. Hey stop yelling at each other, you're disturbing everyone in the room. You bastard..."

Lerai Jung Hoseok who is embarrassed by the behavior of his classmate and friend who is always noisy.

"Jungkook, why have I noticed you're always gloomy. Tell me, what do you think?"
This time the one who opened his voice was Min Yoongi, who is Jungkook's cousin.

"There isn't any"
Reply Jungkook

"Huh, just say that you're thinking about Taehyung. How hard is it to be honest"
Yoongi's words made Jungkook flinch.

"None of your business Hyung. I'm leaving"

Seeing Jungkook leave made an awkward atmosphere for the four teenage boys who were in the room that had always been their personal space.

"Ekhemmm, Jin hyung told me earlier. He said he would be allowed for the next three days to monitor Taehyung's condition..."
Said Kim Namjoon who tried to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Is Taehyung really that worried?"  Yoongi asked.

"Very hyung. Jin-hyung said, Taehyung seems to be still in shock and..."

"And what?"  Hoseok asked curiously.

"Because receiving news that his illness is getting worse makes Taehyung seem to have no hope anymore to live"



They were Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok and another young man who heard Namjoon's words were immediately shocked and silent because of this fact.


"After school, I'll go see Jin hyung and see how Taehyung is doing. Do you want to come?"  Yoongi suggested.

"Of course we will. But Jungkook?"

"He's not coming" Jimin said

"Jungkook went to see Jin Hyung earlier. However, when he came home his face looked very gloomy, isn't it obvious that Jin hyung didn't allow Jungkook to meet Taehyung for a while. So I suggest that the four of us go first. Jungkook's business will be discussed later."
Jimin continued then.

"Okay. We'll go using my car. I know you guys didn't bring a car today" suggested Hoseok, then the three nodded.

"You're the best Hyung!"
Jimin exclaimed with his trademark crescent smile.


Sorry about this first...
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That's all, see you^^

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