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...I have grown an obsession to Soo's, haven't I?


The keys jingled lightly inside the empty hallway. The small sound of the lock clicking caused the door to slowly creak open.

Silently walking inside the small apartment, the scent of citrus hit his nose as he slowly flicked the light on. He stood still silently as he dazedly stared at the empty hallway.
["Roksu!! You're home already?!" Choi Jung Soo smiled brightly as he rushed down the hallway, hooking his arms around Roksu's neck. "Hyung ordered food! He said it's his treat again." Choi Jung Soo spoke proudly of his accomplishment.

"Let me help you, come on! The food is hot." Choi Jung Soo cheerfully said while opening Roksu's jacket in a hurry and pulled him towards the kitchen.]


Kim Roksu shook his head as he slowly took off his black jacket. Placing it on the side, he removed his black scarf and hat, placing it alongside his wet umbrella.

Slowly walking down the empty hallway, his eyes locked towards the messy kitchen. Everything was placed where they shouldn't belong.

["Roksu-ah?! You're already home?" Lee Soo Hyuk's eyes widened for a bit, quickly turning soft as he smiled brightly. "Go freshen up, the food is gonna be ready in a few." Lee Soo Hyuk smiled giving a quick hair ruffle.]

Roksu shook his head trying to get rid of his records. He slowly walked down the hallway as he felt the wind blow past him a little.

["Hey! Let's go together" Choi Jung Soo teased as Kim Rok Soo looked at him with a disgusted face. "No." Laughing at the reaction, Choi Jung Soo hooks his arms around Roksu once more, pulling him towards the room.

"I said no," Roksu said, yet his lips were twitching upwards causing Choi Jung Soo to chuckle lightly.

"Yea, Yea, and you think I'll listen." Choi Jung Soo mockingly ruffled Roksu's hair as they walked inside the room.]


Kim Rok Soo slapped his cheeks twice, causing them to turn a little red as he tried to shake off his records. Today, for some reason, his records had gone against him.

Falling victim to his records, his body felt heavy and hot as his footsteps got weaker every passing moment.

'Ha' Roksu shook his head as he decided it was best to take a shower to clear up his mind.

Slowly, walking outside, the water started to drip down his hair towards his body. His eyes turned towards the messy bed, with pillows all over the place.

["Roksu! How could you keep your hyung all hungry and waiting!" Choi Jung Soo whined with an overexaggerated expression. "I never asked you to wait." Kim Roksu smirked, causing Choi Jung Soo to gasp.

Kim Roksu's lips twisted upwards as he dodged the pillow that was thrown at him. "You brat! You should respect your hyung," Choi Jung Soo pouted, crossing his arms.

"You're not my hyung." Roksu bluntly said and quickly walked out the room, smiling when he heard Choi Jung Soo's offended 'Hey']

Ignoring the records that were shown as illusions in front of him, he slowly walked out of the room to prepare his food.

The smell of jjajangmyeon, kimchi stew, and bulgogi filled the air as Roksu slowly started to place three plates on the table. The portion of food and the table setting, everything was placed for three to eat.

Placing down the plate, Rok Soo lazily called out, "Food is ready."

Yet again, nobody answered.

"The food will get cold if you don't come– Ah..." His eyes shook for a while as he slowly sat on the chair beside him.

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