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the past and a bit of the future.

             PEACE THOMAS was the girl that everyone seemed to love

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             PEACE THOMAS was the girl that everyone seemed to love. Her smile lit up every room she walked into, her positive attitude lifted even the lowest of spirits, and she loved like there was no tomorrow. She was popular, but not the sort of popular like Carol or Tommy. Those two were beyond the lines of morality, but Peace, she made everyone feel welcomed and Karma supposes that's why she got an influx of votes compared to the other candidates for class president.

Karma watched her sister shine in the spotlight with complete and utter love. She watched as her sister smiled whilst her pom-poms whisked around the air, cheering for the basketball team. She watched as her sister spoke confidently to her classmates, spewing some half-ass crap about her plans for the future of the school. The way she enraptured the entire crowds attention was beyond Karma's wildest imaginations. But god, she wanted to be her so badly.

The sister duo had gotten into an argument the day before she left for college. It wasn't hurtful, nor was it anything beyond repair, but it was enough to give Karma a huge slap to the face. She could never be Peace. Peace Thomas, the girl who graduated at the top of her class. The girl who was offered a full ride to Harvard. The girl who no one could hate, despite her flaws. Peace was a once in a lifetime kind of perfect and the younger girl had to come to terms with it.

It had warranted a loving conversation later that night, one filled with nothing but great advice for Karma and her future years at high school. Of course, the young girl pretended to be annoyed, telling her all was fine but Peace was never one to back down. Begrudgingly, Karma listened to every word she spoke, still bitter from her recent realization. Peace left that morning, ready to take on Harvard.

And she took Harvard by storm. She was the best cheerleader at the school (or so Karma liked to imagine while she looked down at the pretty Polaroids her sister sent her), she had the prettiest friends and Karma could only picture them as the best of the best. She filmed the football games sometimes, bringing the film back home and showing her siblings of the endeavors at such events. She had curated an entire world for herself and once more, Karma wished to be her sister.

She couldn't help but jump around with happiness when she received a new report card with straight A's, one step closer to getting a full ride to Peace's school. Because that's all it was to the young girl— Peace's world. Everything she touched, believed in, it was only the path Karma wanted.

Despite the distance, the girls were close. Karma began to grow out of her "annoy my sister at all times" phase and began to become inseparable. Peace visited when she could, bringing back a ton of tiny gadgets with her to show off, she'd even bring her notebooks full of notes to guide her strong-willed younger sister. Nothing could be better than a bright future ahead, Karma ready to head out into the world with her best friend by her side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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