"You just what?"
"I was thinking what if we stopped all this hiding and just became a normal couple" I say not making eye contact.
He just stared at me. Not saying a word. I couldn't read his expression.
"Say something."
"Look flo I really like you and your just great but I don't think I'm ready to go public again. Not after what happened with Cho the first time" he said.

Wow he needed no time to think about that. He shut me down immediately.

"Oh ok" was all I said.

*End of flashback*

And that was the end of the conversation. We never spoke about it again. He never wanted to.

And I look at him now and he seems to have no problem with going public.

Yeah, that hurt too.

*Cedric's pov*

This past week has been nothing but horrible. I couldn't get her out of my head no matter how hard I tried.
It was like she was tattooed in my brain.

And Cho.

Oh my god Cho.

She won't leave me alone. She thinks that that night actually meant something. She assumes that we're now in a full-on relationship.
I don't know how I could stand her before. Now she just seems to annoy me all the time.

I think half of the reason she is even with me is because she wants to prove something to her friends.
She's been awfully touchy the whole week. Like she's trying to show everyone about us.

I would be lying if I said I didn't watch Florence whenever I saw her.
She looked happier. She smiles a lot more. And I know how much pain I caused her.

I'll never be able to forgive myself.

I wanted to talk to her so bad.
To tell her how I know I messed up.
To tell her that I'm sorry and beg for her forgiveness.

I needed to talk to her.

*Florence's pov*

After lunch we all started to make our way to the common room. We all had a free period so we decided to just hang out in there instead.

We were halfway to the common room when I felt a strong arm grab me and pull me in.
I was about to scream when a strong hand covered my mouth.

"Shh don't scream" said a familiar voice.

I looked up to meet a familiar gray pair of eyes looking down on me.
I immediately pushed him off me and stared daggers at him.

"What the hell is your deal and pulling people into closets" I whisper-yell
"Well technically it's not a closet it's a classroom" he says smirking.
"Oh you've got some real nerves diggory."
"Flo just hear me out for a minute.."
"No I'm done listening to you and you excuses. For once I'm going to speak and your going to listen to me."

He didn't try and say anything after that. He just stared at me waiting for me to continue.

"You have been nothing but a world class arse to me and treated me terribly. I mean what the hell was that little stunt you pulled? I mean you and Cho kissing in the corridor. I thought she was a psycho who cheated on you" I say catching my breath.

"Flo please.."
"No you don't get to call me that anymore. You don't have the right.
After everything you've done you're going to stand here and what try to defend yourself. You're in the wrong here Cedric. You not me" I say poking his chest with my index finger.

"I know! I know I'm in the wrong I'm not trying to deny anything.
I messed up I know I did!" He started to raise his voice.
"Yes that's right you fucked up" I say pushing him back.
"I know I did and I'm sorry."
"No sorry isn't going to cut it anymore Cedric. After everything I'm not going to accept sorry."

"Why, why do you keep doing this to me? Why do you like hurting me over and over? I just..I don't get it" I say covering my face with my hands my breaths rigid.
"I don't like it you have to understand" he says walking closer.
"Don't you dare come near me! I don't want your pity. I'm tired of understanding. I always understand."
I could hear my voice breaking.

"For once I just want to have someone who wants me." I say feeling the tears well in my eyes.
"I do want you flo" he says reaching out to me.
"No you don't. You're just trying to trick me to get me to believe you, to fall for your games. But I won't. I won't fall for them again. You had me wrapped around your finger. Just like you wanted. But when you got bored you moved on to someone else."
He just stared at me that same unreadable expression on his face.

"Because that's who you are Cedric. The pretty boy. The quidditch captain. Mr perfect. You use girls for whatever you want. You can get anyone you want. And when you're done you throw them out like a piece of garbage. You don't even care about how they feel."
Still he said nothing.

"And I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling worthless. I'm tired of feeling like a piece of meat. I'm so tired" I say finally breaking into tears.
He tried to reach out for me again.
Yet I moved away.
"Please let me touch you. Let me hold you please" he begged.

"Do you know how much it hurt?
Do you know how long I spent crying over you?"
"How many times do I have to tell you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for what I did i will never forgive myself!"
"You know what Cedric you want to know what hurt the most?" I asked.
He only just stared at me.

"When I asked you to got public you said you weren't ready. But then not two weeks later you have no problem going public with this other girl.
That's what hurt the most" I said whipping my eyes.

I didn't wait to see his reaction.
Instead I turned and opened the door and walked out. Leaving him to think about everything he did wrong.


Hey guys hoped you liked this chapter. This one's a little longer then the others.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter has a little more drama in it.

Thank you so much for all the support I will be updating as soon as possible.

Love you guys!!

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