chapter 23

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*Florence's pov*

It had been a week since I had finally decided that Cedric and I were over.
Yeah it hurt. I felt like I wasn't ever going to get over him.
I don't know why he made me feel such ways but he did.
He definitely knew how to keep a woman.

I had told Hermione and Ron about me and cedric. From the sneaking around to the fact that he ghosted me.
They had been very supportive and told me he wasn't worth it. I was so glad that they were there for me.

The tournament was only 3 weeks away and we tried to keep Harry occupied with other things and not have him worrying about the tournament.

I think we were doing pretty well.
This morning we found ourselves at the great hall yet again for lunch.
Not many people were there which was nice. For once we had some peace of quite.

While Hermione was reading some kind of book Ron and Harry were eating and playing wizards chess.
I was just silently watching and occasionally looking down to my book. It was a muggle book called little women. I was enjoying it.
Hermione had got it for me for Christmas.

She knew how much I was into muggle books. Our books were always about mysterious animals or quidditch or history.
But muggle books were different.
They had all different types of genres.
Like romance or action adventure or fantasy. That and more.
Any kind of theme you could think of they probably had it.

So that's how we spent our evening. We made small conversation but usually it was only Ron and Harry.
Me and Harry have gotten even closer since the whole Cedric situation.

He talked me through it and helped me get over him. I was truly thankful for what he had done for me and I had let him know multiple times.

Everything was starting to look up.
But that attitude was soon ruined when I saw a familiar Hufflepuff walk into the hall with his huge group of friends. And her.

Ever since that day no matter where he went she would follow. Like a lost puppy. It was so annoying. Plus they were always touchy and lovey in public. She would always run her hand through his hair. And he would always put his hand on her thigh.

I should've known when I met him that I was only going to end up getting hurt. And he would walk out without a scratch.
I mean that was what he was known for. He was a huge player.
He would use a girl for whatever he wanted and then dump her.

Just like he did with me.

No I couldn't be thinking like this.
I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head and put my focus back on my book. But I couldn't help when my eyes drifted up to his table.

How could someone sit there and look so perfect without doing a single thing. His hair looked so fluffy I missed running my hands through it.
I miss the way he made me feel.
I miss the way we used to run around hiding. It gave me such a rush.

Once we brought up the idea about us going public.

I remember the conversation all to well


There we were, laying in his bed.
I was running my hands through his hair. I would never get used to this.

I never wanted this feeling to end.
I wanted to do this everyday forever.

"Ced?" I asked making him pause his reading to look up at me.
"Yeah, is everything alright?"
"I want to talk about us" I simply state.
"What do you mean?"
"This is all so amazing, your amazing but I just..." I couldn't even finish.
What if what I said next ruined everything. What if I make it awkward?

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