-ˏˋ Atypical Domesticityˊˎ-

Start from the beginning

"What do you expect after staying up all night working?"

The two spoke quietly between themselves, wrapped up in their own world despite the many wondering eyes.

"So that's why you're here," Chan grumbled unhappily but still raised his palms to rest against the curve of the younger's back like usual.

Instead of moving away, he rolled himself closer on his chair and lifted his head to rest his chin on Felix, looking up at him with a frown.

"You don't have to be here- I can deal with this on my own and you know that. Besides you're a busy person and already take out enough time for m-"

Felix cut him off with his infamous glare.

But he should know by now that it had no effect on the older, who returned the stern gaze.

"Go home, Lix. Catch up on some sleep. I'll deal with my boss when he gets here and then come home to join you."

It's like the younger had selective hearing, ignoring the majority of what he just said.

"He's not here yet? We were set to meet at 11 and I was already running late," the younger's eyes steeled over. "This is why you're overworked huh," he scoffed. "He's not even here to do his job. You're not his slave Chris. You dont have to pick up after him."

He was right. Chan knew this. He wasn't paid enough to deal with his young boss in his 20s that cared more about parties, alcohol and the girls and guys hanging off his arms.

But he also couldn't let his team's work go to waste.

They shed too many tears, and shredded away with too many sleepless nights getting this company to be the best in its business to let it all go to waste because of a reckless boss.

"Still," the older dragged. "You have no business being here. I can fight my own battles mister."

"It involves you. Therefore it is my business," the raventte responded with no room left for argument. "Plus," he continued, breaking eye contact to look everywhere but at Chan, the slightest hint of a blush painting his freckled cheeks. "My trip was lonely without you."

The older grinned.

"I can't accompany you everytime darling."

"You're r-"

"Mr. Lee," a sharp voice interrupted, pulling them apart. "You're ready to be seen if-if you are ready?" The assistant stuttered, eyes running between the couple in surprise of their proximity.

With a nod, the younger pulled away from him slowly, smiling softly a Chan before following the assistant who led him away.

The older sighed dreamily after his fiancé, ignoring the pooling worry in his gut for now.

Until he too was interrupted by Jisung screaming from behind him.

"You didn't tell me you had a fuckiing boyfriend?!"

His coworkers joined Jisung in interrogating him, surrounding his seated self.

He grinned guiltily.

It's not like Chan purposely hid the fact that he had a boyfriend. The topic in question rarely arose at his workplace, and even when it did, the questions being fired left, right and centre were never aimed at him or for him.

And at one point, they all just assumed the introvert didn't have a dating life and Chan never bothered correcting them.

The brunette couldn't even blame them for assuming, when he too would have thought the same from how utterly bland his life was.

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