'Close Encounters of the Spider kind'

Start from the beginning

The trio: WHAAAT?!?

The boy who's supposedly a father waved his hands around in confusion.

Tony: Dude, how'd you get married, and have  a kid in any universe? I don't believe it.

A resounding smack was heard as both Y/n and Mel punched Tony's arms. Only the left side was hurt though since Mel couldn't pack a punch even if she tried her hardest.

Y/n: W-Wait so hold on, hold on... what did you say your name was?

FY/n: FY/n. FY/n L/n.

Y/n: FY/n... that- sounds like the name my mom wanted to give my sister if she had a second kid and it was a girl.

Freezing solid, Y/n then belatedly realized what else was said by this strange newcomer.

Y/n: Uh, I think you got it wrong. FY/n, I think you might be my sister– from another world, is what you said, right?

FY/n: Mhm. I'm surprised you accepted the fact that other worlds exist.

Tony: It was a theory that already existed, but it was only confirmed now.

Melanie: *Laughs* Yeah, and the fact that Y/n here has spider powers gives us immunity to weird things happening.

FY/n: Spider... wait! You mean, YOU were the dude in the terrible Spider-Man cosplay!?

Y/n: It hurts my soul to hear you call it cosplay but yeah, that was me.

At this point of the conversation, FY/n had let go of Y/n and their chat resumed with normal arm's length distance, but the teen girl yet again, got close to give Y/n yet another hug.

FY/n: Mmh. Th-Thanks, B... Big bro...

Y/n: Y-You're welcome. Wow she smells like a campfire. A good smelling on‐ Wait! She's technically my sister!! Bad thoughts!

The two seperate their hug, relief, for some reason, filling the mind of a certain clothing designer girl.

Y/n: *Ahem* B-Before I officially adopt you into this version of the L/n fam. I gotta ask you a few more questions... 'sis'.

FY/n: Yeah?

Y/n: ...Why do you like hugging me so much?

FY/n: I-I dunno, it just feels right for some reason. I feel this pull towards you and it makes me kinda complete inside when I get super close to you. Am I being weird?

Y/n: Nah. I feel it too... do you think it has something to do with you being from another world? Or is it something else...

Before they could get on to another topic, a different girl raised her hand as if she was in class. Y/n and his 'sister' both faced her.

Melanie: Actually, I've got a question.

FY/n: Uh, yeah?

Melanie: Did you get your powers from the um, what was it called again? Oh right.

The carefree expression went away, Melanie was completely serious as she said this.

Melanie: The X-core?

FY/n: I did! So does that mean bro also got his spider powers from X-core?

Y/n: Yeah, that's right. But wait, sis if you came from another dimension dosen't that mean–?


A loud ringing could be heard as Y/n felt his phone go off in his pocket. He picks it up and sees his crime alert app that Tony had made was pinging like crazy. There was a weird news update about a portal opening up in NYC's Rockefeller center's ice skating area.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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