I turn around to see Zoro and Luffy talking
I wonder what their talking about

Luffy looks so concentrated
I smiled a bit

"Miss can you give me more soda please" says a little boy

"Oh um yeah coming right up"you said as you go walking towards the soda machine


"So are y'all ready to order"I ask Zoro and Luffy

Zoro placed the menu down and said"Yeah we are"

"I want meat" Luffy said

"Oh um sure what type of meat" I asked taking my little notepad out

"Oh uhhhh hmmmm...just big meat"-luffy (sus🤨):creators note

"But like chicken, steak , or what"I asked confused

"Oh umm....yeah meat" Luffy bit his straw

Is he okay?

"Just give him any type of meat he'll eat it" Zoro stepped in for him

"Oh okay what about you moss man"

"I'll just have white rise with a beer" he said

"Okay coming right up" you said and ripped the page out of the notepad

as you where leaving and they went back to talking about what they where talking about

After a few minutes their foods where ready and you where going to give it to them

"Here's your food guys" you said handing them their food

Luffy did a quick glance at Zoro and nodded

"Thanks, princess" Luffy looked up at me and smirked while he still chewed on the straw

Zoro spit his beer out

"W-what" you said as you could feel your face heat up

"You dumbass , you only have to say that when their your girlfriend" Zoro smacked his face

"Oh so not right now?" Luffy says as his smirk dropped and tilted his head a little

"Look you only call them that if your dating them" Zoro says kind of irritated

"Ohhh okay okay..............I don't get it" Luffy looked at him

"U-Um if y'all need anything tell me" I said trying to ignore everything that just happened

"Yeah sorry y/n" he looked at me

"It's okay" I smile kind of awkwardly

You where about to walk back to the kitchen when this tall old guy without a shirt walks into the store screaming


"Please go sit down sir and we'll give you a menu when your sat, okay" one of my colleagues tried to calm him down

"OKAY, if you say so" the men shrugged

Pfff wouldn't want to take his order

"Y/n , Your taking care of this one" my boss said counting some money


"WHAT WHY"I screamed
This is what I get for making fun of him

It's not like you haven't dealed with people like this before
But something about this guy had your gut feeling weird

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