The truth hurts...

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Grace rubbed the back of her neck with a large amount of nervousness. "Well you see.."

"How can anything you're about to say blow my mind more than what you just told me?" Jason raised a brow and started to think.

"It will be because I know you won't like her." She looked everywhere but at her father, Grace couldn't bare make eye contact with him.

Jason rolled his eyes and glared at Grace. "Is it Sarah?"

"What no we hate each other."


"She married dad, has been for a couple of months and there's no way I'll be a mistress to anyone." Grace crossed her arms and huffed in frustration.

"Well is it Hannah?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed."Of course not she is just a friend."

Jason snapped his fingers."Well I say let's stop playing guess who and you tell me whom the girl is." He said with a hint of irritation.

"Ok fine.." Grace look at her father before looking away. "Her name is Jennifer.." she mumble.

"Gabriella can you speak up I didn't hear you properly." He said with a demanding tone as his head tilted.

"Her name is Jennifer dad you happy!" She raised her voice a bit and narrowed her eyes twords her father.

Jason jaw dropped as his eyes grew wide. "You are the one dating Jennifer, my daughter is dating Jennifer the troublemaker the villages whore." He chuckled in disbelief.

"What, no dad she's not like that at all she's nice, charming and no whore." Grace got off the bed and thought of everything everyone said about her and none of them were nice things.

Jason stared at his daughter, he really didn't know her; it's like they were stranger getting to know each other. "You can't see her anymore I forbid it."

"But she's-"

"Not the woman you think she is Grace trust me I heard a lot about her and it's not a good thing to be with her." He cut her off before getting up off the her bed.

"I need to speak with her about something, and don't think you're not the first person to tell me this father." Grace moved twords him with desperation in her eyes.

Jason looked at his daughter and shook his head. "No I can't let you besides it's midnight now so that means it's very dangerous for you to be out."

"I'll have my knife for protection, dad I have to do this because I was told there is something Jennifer isn't telling me." Grace determined to find out what it was even if meant sneaking that doesn't sound like anything she'll do or say. What is going on?

"No! So stop asking." He sighed placed both of his hands gently on her shoulders. "I just want to keep you safe and being outside at midnight isn't." Jason walked out the room as to not to continue the conversation further. This left Grace raging; she was now stuck with 'plan B' and what had her dazed was her determination to seek out the big secret or what seemed like a secret to her as to what Jennifer was hiding. She sat on her bed and thought about how she should go about this plan and how will it end.

One she would have be quiet and this house is very old meaning there is creeks everywhere, so making it to the front door should not the first option in this situation. Guess she'll have to jump out the window and it's a two story house; she's sure she'll live. Two protection is required for this 'trip', only dangers lurk at night but Grace is sure nothing ever happens to villagers at night. Three find out where Jennifer is and let it escalate from there.

Grace smiled as she got up and closed her room door before walking over to her dresser to retrieve a shirt along with some boxer shorts. 'Wow dad really did see it huh,' she smirked  throwing her sleep wear on her bed Grace then began taking her clothes off, leaving her only in her bra. She started to put her shirt and boxer shorts on, while pulling her hair in a ponytail she look outside her window and saw crow sit on a branch outside. It was just staring at her, but she was pulled out of it's gaze as she started to smell the delicious dinner her father must have been preparing.

When she got down to the kitchen she saw her dad in an white apron cooking what could only be sarmale and seemed to be already boiling the stuffed cabbage. Grace would be lying if she said it wasn't one of her favorite dishes to eat, so she decides to read a book and let her father be alone for a while. In the kitchen Jason mind was running wild, he didn't know how to take the information he just found out  he felt like his own daughter was a stranger in his house; but he knows one thing she can never see Jennifer again and that is final.


"What's the updates on her?"
He said looking on into the distance.

"While she's done nothing yet...are we sure she's the one?" He looked at him with worry in his voice.

"Of course she is! Why wouldn't she be Tony?" He growled in annoyance.
"She just need to be trained and she will be a trained killer-" He turned around and walked away from the cliff. "She doesn't have a choice."

Tony sighs shaking his head. "A-and if she doesn't want to then what will do Greg? We all know this isn't going to be an easy task."

"I know that dumbass-" Greg scoffed eyeing Tony. "If the plan fails then we'll kill her...we'll have karl at the end."

Tony groaned like a little kid whose parent just told them they couldn't have candy. "But he doesn't care about the clan."

"Then let's try to make plan A a success." Greg pushes Tony to the ground before running away. "Last one to the hut has to eat scraps." He said in a sing-song voice.

"Hey no fair that's cheating!!" Tony was quick to get back up and race Greg to the hut.

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