Chapter 17

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"Who was that?" Mike whispered from the couch.

"Oh," Micky said quietly, going over to him. "I didn't know you were awake."

"I am now," Mike groaned, opening his eyes slightly. "Who were you talking to?"

"That was Davy," Micky sighed, sitting down on the floor beside the couch. "He's our friend, and he and Peter are gonna be coming back here in a little bit, okay?"

Mike frowned as he thought about something.

"I'm sorry," he said after a moment.

Micky sighed and scooted over toward him.

"Mike, it's fine if you don't remember them. It's not your fault."

"But I should," Mike said, turning to face him. "But when you say Davy and Peter, I'm supposed to know who they are, right?"

"Yeah,'s fine, we can start over and it'll be okay."

Mike sighed and turned away from him.

"Don't do that," he muttered.

"Don't do what?" Micky frowned, placing his hand on Mike's back. Mike tensed up and pulled away from the touch, now glaring at Micky angrily.

"Just leave me alone."

Micky hesitantly shook his head.

"I really don't think that's a good idea right now...are you okay?"

Mike sighed and laid back down, turning his back toward Micky.

"Just go away," he ordered, voice trembling slightly.

"Okay," Micky whispered, standing up. "Okay, but I'm here if you need anything."

He waited for a response from Mike, but never got one. He sighed and stepped into the kitchen, still keeping a close eye on him as he sat down at the table.

"Why do you do that Mick?" Mike asked.

"Do what?" Micky asked, confused.

"Act like your friends are my friends." Micky looked at him confused.

"Mike, Davy and Peter are your friends." Micky said.

"No they're not. They're your friends Micky." Mike said.

"Well, I guess it's because I want you to have friends other than me," Micky said "it'll be good for ya "

"Thinking about leaving, are ya?" Mike said bitterly. Micky sighed.

"No Mike," he said "I'm not planning on leaving you." He thought they were over this, then remembered that he was Mike's first friend out in California and for the first few months was a bit clingy and always waiting for Micky to tell him that he no longer wanted to hang out with him.

"Well, I think you're gonna like Davy and Peter," Micky sighed. "They should be here in a little bit so you could meet them."

"I don't wanna," Mike groaned. "Just wanna sleep."

"You can sleep until they get here okay." Micky said a bit nettled. Mike hissed at him.

"Did-did you just hiss at me?" Micky asked amused.

"Geh weg!" Mike hollered at him and buried his face in a pillow. Micky sighed and went back into the kitchen.

"Whatever, Mike." Micky opened the cupboard doors and grabbed plates and cups.

"They're going to be here for lunch Mike." Micky said as he set the table.

"Who?" Mike asked, rubbing his eyes awake.

"Peter and Davy." He explained, taking a glance back at Mike.

Mike groaned and laid back down.

"Do they have to?" He whined and Micky let out a laugh.

"Well, no they don't have to," Micky said "but I'd like them to be here for lunch "

"No." Mike said again.

"You're being whiny today." Micky said.

"Sorry." Mike mumbled.

"How's your head?" Micky asked, getting a muffled groan in response.

"Not great, I'm guessing? Sorry. I could get you something for it if you'd like me to." He offered and could hear Mike shifting around to a more comfortable position.

"No." Mike muttered, curling himself into a ball. "I don't want to, and I don't want them to come."

"Tough titties," Micky said "they're coming whether you like it or not Mike."

"Ugg," Mike groaned "why am I friends with you?"

Micky laughed.

"No clue." Micky said.

"Hmm." Mike yawned and uncurled himself.

"They'll be coming here in about 20 minutes or so," Micky said looking at the clock. "So if you wanna rest until then, you can. But we're not canceling."

"Boo," Mike said in a whisper, causing Micky to laugh.

"I know, I know, but really. I think you should meet them properly."

"Why?" Mike asked.

"Because, once you get to know them I'm sure you'll like them. Just try Mike. Please?"

"Fine, fine." Mike grumbled.

"Thank you. Oh just to give you a heads up Peter is a hugger."

"Even to people he doesn't know?" Mike asked and Micky had to refrain himself from saying they were already close.

"Yeah, even to strangers. He just likes people."

Mike frowned and groaned, already dreading the meeting, but let out a sigh and closed his eyes.

"Whatever," he said, fiddling with his hands.

"It'll be fine Mike," Micky said "how about this. If you're getting overwhelmed you just have to say 'guess I'll watch the news' and I'll know to kick them out." Mike looked at him.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah," Micky said "why not."

Mike sighed and looked down, thinking about it.

"I don't need you to do that," he said after a while.

"I don't want you getting stressed or overwhelmed, it was just an idea," Micky sighed and sat down at the kitchen table. "So what do you want me to do?"

"Let me go upstairs when they come over?" Mike suggested.

"Not happening Mike." Micky said, smiling slightly. Mike huffed playfully.

"Fine," he sighed, "we'll try it."

"Okay." Micky grinned as a knock came at the door.

"I'll get it," Micky declared, going over to the door and opening it.

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