Dear Eula: The First of Many

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My loveliest, strongest, and gorgeous Eula, 

I'm glad my first impression stuck with you so much! I also remember out first meeting; however, your recap is much better than my scattered memory.

I miss you a lot. Things in Monstadt haven't been the same since you went on the trip with Mr. Albedo and Sucrose last month. My new queen-sized bed feels so empty without my personal favorite queen occupying it after a long day of work. Your tired face is super cute hehe!

Anyways, Kaeya has been giving me more jobs! Since you aren't here to do the heavy lifting, he and I have formed a team to take on Monstadt's hardest commissions and most stubborn pigeons! We're quite popular, we've even got the "Dynamic Duo" superlative for this year's Knights of Favonius party! Although, I wish I was able to share that title with my favorite strong, blue-haired lady. I guess the other cryo will have to do!

I've been anxiously waiting each day for you to return. I keep replaying the memories of one of our later dates when I miss you.

It was a cold day in Monstadt, the winter weather had been setting in. After a late commission the night before, I was sleeping in and staying as warm as humanly possible! Despite the cold temperatures and tired atmosphere, you woke up at the crack of dawn to make me a Teyvat Fried Egg and Pile 'em Up pancakes! I distinctly remember the smell of fresh pancake batter and delicious egg waking me up from my much-need beauty rest. When I walked into the kitchen, your hair was done up and a bit messy from sleeping so soundly. The small ponytail at the top of your head is a thought that'll always make me giggle. 
Anyways, your cheeks were red from the cold, and even though you were standing over the stove for an hour, they only seemed to get worse once I walked in. At first, I wasn't aware that it was blush rather than the cold, but it clicked once I got close enough to take your temperature. Your beet-red face still makes me laugh whenever I see it, no matter how many times I do. 

After eating, we both decided to hang out on the bed and keep each other warm. 

Here comes my favorite part of this memory!

I was sitting on the bed, leaning my head on your shoulder as you read new recipes from the cookbook Lisa gave you. I remember hazily reading the words, nearly falling asleep.
And then, you kissed me on my forehead. It was the first time I'd ever felt your soft lips.
It was quick, and I didn't notice while I was half asleep, but it was special. I'm happy you did it. 

I've got to go do cool outrider stuff, so I'll flirt with you more later hehe...

I love you more, Amber.

Thanks for reading the first two chapters! I promise to write more :-)

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