Chem Test

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I groan as I feel myself slipping asleep on my desk. All of a sudden, I hear my window open up. My head turns to see Eddie not so gracefully climbing through the window. "What are you doing here Eddie?" 

"I thought you needed a break from studying." He smiles and tosses me a mars bar. 

"Eddie, that's sweet of you but I seriously need to study for chem. It's kicking my ass this year and I cannot fail."

He pouts, flopping on my bed. I roll my eyes at his dramatics. "Oh come on Lottie, just for like an hour," He flips over on his stomach, facing me, "then I promise I'll go."

I look at my clock, it was only 9pm. I sigh, "Fine, for an hour." He smiles triumphantly. 

I lay on my bed and he hands me a cigarette. "Eddie, you know I don't smoke" 

"You're missing all the fun though."  We talk for hours until be both end up falling asleep on my bed. 

*Beep* *Beep Beep* *Beep* 

I shoot straight up, "Shit shit shit" I hit Eddie hard on chest, "You said only for an hour, God we're late and I'm gonna fail!" I sigh, rushing to the bathroom. 

Eddie chuckles to himself, rolling back over.

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