Chapter 1: Packing Up

Start from the beginning

Alaina couldn't help but slightly chuckle at all the Witches argue with there Supposed Other about some random Blabbering nonsense, Alaina was having a pretty good time so far.

It was about to get better.

Before Alaina would head back to her room, she saw a Familiar Blonde Girl stand in the hall

"C-Claire?" Alaina asked

"Oh! Hi Alaina! What are you doing here?" Asked Claire

"Well, I'm spending time here with my family, they wanted to show me what The Leaky Cauldron was like, What about you?" Asked Alaina

"Oh, Since I live in an Orphanage, I always feel really bored there, I sneak out sometimes, but I got lost, so I had to come here!" Said Claire

Alaina had no words for what Claire just said.

"You live in an Orphanage?" Al asked

"Yes." Said Claire

"And you sneak out?" Asked Alaina

"Yes!" Said Claire

"And you never get caught?" Asked Alaina

"Never." Said Claire

"Um Okay.. Well, what are you going to be doing?" Asked Alaina

"Nothing Much, just feed my pets, Why?" Asked Claire

"Oh! No reason, Just wanted to know." Said Alaina

"Well, see you later!" Said Claire

"Bye." Alaina waved back

As Claire entered her room, Alaina wondered how much quirkier Claire might get.

But little did Alaina know that the night after that, might be one of her best.

While thr Harvester's were asleep, Alaina woke up to head to the bathroom, and before she could head back to her room, she heard some noise coming from Claire's Room.

Alaina shouldn't just immediately open up and see what Claire is doing, but the noises were startling her a little, so she walked over to Claire's Door

She opened her Door, only to see Claire opening her window and trying to leave

"Claire? What are you- Where are you going?" Alaina asked

"Hi Alaina! I'm sneaking out again, Told You I sneak out often." Said Claire

"Why are you sneaking out?" Asked Alaina

"Most of the time I sneak out to play with my pets, I can't really help myself." Said Claire casually

"Isn't It Dangerous?" Asked Alaina

"Not Really." Said Claire

"Hey, do you mind if..."


"Can I.. come with you?" Alaina asked

"No offense but.. Why?" Asked Claire

"Well, I've never really sneaked out before, and I really want to know what it's like to see the putside world at a time like this, so can I come too?" Alaina asked

"Uh, sure." Said Claire

As the two girls sneaked out the window, they started to head deeper into London.

When they finally stopped running, they reached some woods.

"Are these the woods you normally go to?" Alaina asked, panting

"Yes, it's really beautiful at night. Look at the stars!" Said Claire

Alaina looked up at the Night Sky, Claire was right about it being beautiful.

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