Paper Crown

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"Princess Lottie, most wondrous welcomes from mine own traveleth'rs cove". 

I walk in, Eddie's arms extended like a cartoon characters welcoming me into his trailer. I look around, "You know it's cleaner than I thought." 

"Ah, Ihadst to polisheth f'r thy lovely princess" 

I giggle, "Well for someone who's name is Eddie the Banished, you have quite the manners"

I sit down on the sofa, as he hops on the coffee table, looking down on me, "My grace, anyone with half a brain cell wouldst beest on their most greatest behavi'r. Thee cometh from the elf kingdom of Exlindra and has't beauty beyond compareth. I am lucky to has't thee in mine own presence." He speaks as though he's an actual character, which makes me laugh, standing up from the couch. 

I try my best to speak as him, "I, Princess Lottie is very appreciative of thy kind actions." 

He brings out a paper crown, placing it on my head, and bows to me, "All hail the stunning Princess Lottie, whomst knoweth nay did bind

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He brings out a paper crown, placing it on my head, and bows to me, "All hail the stunning Princess Lottie, whomst knoweth nay did bind."

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