A twin brother??

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I walked in class and sat in the seat in front of Mrs. Brown desk. She didn't even ask why I was tardy. Which was good. I looked at the agenda on the board, and noticed today was the 13th of February which meant tomorrow was Valentine's Day, I made a note in my phone to remind me to go buy my family and friends something. I really don't care about Valentines Day but I like to make everyone else feel loved (: my happiness is within theirs. I started reading my crime scene novel when my phone vibrated, I searched my purse and when I found it, it was from 1/4th of my friends. Her name's Keyosha, everyone who looks at her name expects her to be ghetto..So she goes by Kia since it's in her middle name. she's not at all ghetto , she's the fun person of our group who makes us laugh, she acts ratchet sometimes to make us laugh but overall she's very classy, and she stick up for all of us, she's the risk taker, that will hurt anyone that messes with us. did I mention she's in this class with me? well she is

-Message conversation -

Keyosha: aaaaaahhhh!!! Kylaaaaaa!!!! I'm sitting by this seeeexxxyyyy new kid, I love him already!!!!! #Keyy♥Kiaa*

me-you like everybody. smh #Kyla'Marie

Keyosha: Bequiet. Just turn around and look!! #Keyy♥Kiaa

I turned around and saw him he was indeed FINEE!!! he's the finest guy ever, if Kia didn't like him I'd make him my boo!!

me-yeah, he's cute girl!! Do you know his name? #Kyla'Marie

Keyosha: yes, he said his name was Keaton Rodriguez

me-hmm, he has the same last name as me (: we're already married, haha, so you can't have him

Keyosha -y'all getting a divorce cause baby's all mine

me-lol, Whatever! but you're distracting me, we'll talk after class.

After I sent that message she never texted back so I started back reading my book but I still couldn't concentrate . that guy Keaton looked very familiar, and we have the same last name, he may be my kin to me, I'll ask my mom.

class went on and on I kept hearing Kia laugh, and talk loudly with that boy. The teacher called her name like 7 times, before she gave her a detention, Keaton felt responsible so he offered her a ride home after school but Kia has a Benz that she drives to school so she said no thank you. the bell to go to our second class rung so I waited on Kia so we could go to the office, we were both office helpers. we walked to the office when I got to the office I saw my dad sitting in there filling out papers, I was shocked. I haven't saw him since I was 5 and I'm now 16 . I spoke softly to him

me-what are you doing here?

He looked at me startled a bit, then he noticed it was me and looked at me in awe before responding

my dad: hello Kyla!!!

He gave me a hug , I just stood there at first before hugging him back.

me-hi dad, what are you doing here?

him:I've moved back here, and enrolled my son into your school

me- your son?

him: you remember Key, he used to come play with you at your house, I took y'all to museums, Parks, and etc.

me-I thought he was my cousin, no one ever told me that was my brother.

him :I'm sorry, I thought you knew baby

me- no

him: well sit so I can tell you the whole story.

I sat down and payed close attention and studied him closely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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