jonathan: LMAO

dustin: wow they look so happy

dustin: also why does mike look like hes 10 💀 how far back did you scroll

mike: Very


mike: This was from

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mike: This was from .a Long timme ago.

dustin: awwww

dustin: we were so small

mike: Oh No mike is Waking u

jonathan: Ope


mike: its too early fir thks shit

dustin: sorry man you got wonder twin'd

mike: wjat

dustin: the wonder twins? will and el? cmon use your inference skills

robin: good morning to all of the gays here

dustin: @mike @will

robin: LMAOO WOW

dustin: hey someone had to

mike: IM NOT GAU

mike: GAJ

mike: GAT

mike: GAI

mike: GAY

mike: there

robin: i dont even know what to say to that

robin: anyways

robin: why dont you guys have nicknames here? our names are so bland

dustin: idk

robin: im giving everyone nicknames

robin changed nightwing, batman, glass closet, zan, jayna, kate bush simp, look at THESE guns, toothless, basketboy, the wonder twins forgotten sibling, child, van gaylen, and weed???'s nicknames.

the wonder twins forgotten sibling: Wow

nightwing: i ran out of name ideas

toothless: ok ouch


glass closet: wtf is my username? what does that mean???

nightwing: 👁️👁️

toothless: mike i swear you are as bad as steve with your oblivion

glass closet: that doesnt make me understand any better dumbass

toothless: yeah sure im the dumb one

jayna: What is mine.?

nightwing: one of the wonder twins, zan (will) is the other one

jayna: Who are they

nightwing: comic superheroes, magic twins basically

glass closet: oh so el gets an explanation but i dont?

nightwing: el grew up in a lab, youre just an idiot

jayna: Mike set..his phone down. He said He is " channelling his anger into the Waffles" . He is making Us Waffles.

toothless: LMAOO

nightwing: wait isnt nancy, will, and jonathan there too 😭 is he just making you two waffles

jayna: No there is a very tall stack

nightwing: ah ok

nightwing: i didn't know if i needed to punch another inconsiderate teen

jayna: I read that to him . He isn't happy

toothless: hold on, ANOTHER teen?

nightwing: 🙂

jayna: Will woke up. I will be back Later

toothless: bye elll tell will i say hi

nightwing: ^^

batman: wtf

batman: its 7 am

batman: god why are my friends like this

nightwing: like your new name?

batman: lmfao yeah thanks robin

batman: so how are you guys this fine morning

toothless: tired

toothless: i spent all night on call with suzie and working on a robot that she can remote control all the way from utah

batman: dope


nightwing: ah thanks eddie

glass closet: hi eddieeee can you pls tell me wtf my name means

glass closet: youre like the only person here i can trust

van gaylen: .

van gaylen: michael,

van gaylen: you sweet sweet summer child

glass closet: i was born in spring

van gaylen: you lovely blessing from the gods

van gaylen: my dear brother in christ

van gaylen: you have the IQ of a homoerotic 80s bully

glass closet: what

glass closet: i dont get it why is will laughing so hard reading that


batman: oh my god

glass closet: I DONT GET IT


van gaylen: you'll remember this conversation when you come to your senses, wheeler

jayna: I also don't Get It .

batman: that's ok el

kate bush simp: wow this is great to wake up to 👍👍

kate bush simp: mike im sorry but you really are dumb as shit

glass closet: I HATE IT HERE SO MUCH

zan: mike just left the room cos hes mad, im crying from laughter, nancy just came downstairs bc of all the noise, el is eating her waffles in resolved silence

zan: all in all, great job guys

i hope you enjoyed this chapter, please leave a couple comments! i love reading them and they make my day :)

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