Thought You Were Different- Rafe Cameron Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"So what? You'll be with us all night." Kiara said. 

"Can we please go now?" Sarah asked us. 

"Yes, we can go!" I continued. 


*Third Person Pov*

The girls arrived, and there were already so many people there. Y/n became a little nervous because no one had seen her around Outer Banks since the breakup. 

"Oh, come on, Y/n. You will be fine, I swear." Kiara said, grabbing Y/n's hand.  

"Just try to feel yourself, ok?" Sarah said reassuringly. 

"Alright," Y/n accepted. 

They made an entrance and were right about everyone staring at them. Many people started to whisper after that, and everyone then went to what they were doing before. 

"Weird, Sarah commented. "Let's go get some drinks."

Everywhere you went, there was at least someone staring at you. You weren't very comfortable but didn't want it to affect your night. You just stuck with Kiara and Sarah most of the night. You were dancing with Kie and Sarah when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around and saw a cute. 

"Can I help you?" You asked him.

"Yes, you can. You like to dance?" He questioned.

"Yes, I do," you said, "why?"

"Because I would like to dance with you." He said, with his hand out for you to grab.

You looked back at Sarah and Kiara, and they both gave you thumbs up. 

"Alright," you said, putting your hand out. The mysterious guy tried to grab it, but you pulled your hand away. "But I would like to know your name first."

"My name is Luke. What is your name?"

"Y/n," she told Luke.

"Well, now that you know my name, can I please have this dance," Luke asked, looking at you. 

"Yes, but I do have a question. Did someone ask you to come dance with me?" You questioned.

"No, why do you say that?" Luke asked.

"My last relationship," you said, putting air quotes around 'relationship,' "lasted seven months, but it was a bet the whole time." 

"Oh, I am sorry about that."

"Anyways," you said, attempting to change the subject, "how come I have never seen you around the island?" 

"Oh, I moved here a month ago."

"So, what do your parents do for a living?" You asked. You wanted to know if he was a kook or pogue.

"Well, my dad's a lawyer, and my mom is a pharmacist." He replied. 

"Oh, that's nice." You said with a smile.

"Now, may I please have this dance?" He asked, putting his hand out once again.

"Yes, you may." You beamed, giving him your hand. 

You two danced together for a while, and then someone said, "there is some hard shit downstairs if anyone has money with them." 

"What do you think is down there?" Luke asked you.

"Probably coke or edibles. Maybe both," you chuckled.

"Wanna go down there?"

"Sure," you doubted. 

"I am probably going to buy a few edibles," Luke said.

"Do you also smoke," you questioned.

"Yes, do you?" 

"Only when my friends have some." You told.

With that, you both went downstairs, and that is when you saw Rafe. You grabbed Luke's hand, and he seemed fine with it. You both made your way towards Rafe. You took a deep breath and just went with Luke.

"Hey man," Luke said, "you got any edibles?"

Rafe continued looking down at the cash while asking, "yep, how many do you want?" He finally lifted his head and saw you. 

You could see shock and confusion in his eyes. After that, you saw the hurt and anger in Rafe's eyes. 

"Nevermind, man, we just sold out." He said blankly towards Luke, still looking at you.

"What do you mean? There are some right there," Luke pointed.

"Those are for other people," he replied, "they went to get money."

"Whatever, man, be an asshole," Luke told Rafe.

Rafe stood up suddenly and shoved Luke, making him let go of your hand. 

"Who are you calling an asshole?" Rafe asked, getting closer to Luke. 

"You, asshole," Luke criticized. 

"Guys stop," you cautioned. 

"Just shut the fuck up, Y/n." Rafe barked. 

You just looked at him for a second and then slapped him. "No, Rafe. Why don't you just the fuck up?"

All he could do was look at you in disbelief. 

"This is why you were only a bet, Y/n," he spits at you.

"Whatever, Rafe. You have no idea how far your head is up your dad's ass. You are a spoiled, entitled bitch that has major daddy issues. You have no respect for anyone except your dad, who doesn't even care for you and treats you like shit every time he gets the chance." You fumed, pushing past Rafe and everyone else in your way. 

"Y/n, wait," you heard Luke exclaim. 

You continued to keep walking. You weren't going to stay at this party any longer. While walking to your car, you felt someone grab your hand. It was Luke. 

"Luke, I apologize if I lead you on, but I am not ready for a relationship again." You blurted out. 

"No, no Y/n. That's fine, but can we stay friends?" Luke questioned. 

"Yeah, we can," you answered. 

"Can I see your phone?"

"Yeah," you said, giving him your phone.

He took your phone, typed something, and then gave it back, "that's my phone number if you ever want to hang out."

"Alright, I will keep that in mind," you said, smiling. 

He then left and went to his car. 


Team Rafe or team Luke? 

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