Chapter 2

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"I'm so sorry Miss Dowling" I say before walking from her, as I am walking away I hear her call after me, I'm too upset to talk to anyone, I just want to be by myself, so I just keep walking towards the stairs, wanting nothing more than to get into my bed and hide away under my duvet cover, when I feel someone take a hold of my arm, I knew it was Miss Dowling as I heard the clicking of her heels following me, I turn to look at her "Please Miss Dowling leave me alone" I bag her as I try to hold back my tears, she can tell something was very wrong.

"y/n I cannot help you if you don't talk to me" Miss Dowling tells me and I see the worried on her face, I sigh thinking to myself, that Bark might try the same with another girl and I couldn't live with myself if he does, so against my better judgement I tell Miss Dowling and Mr Silva what had happened, Miss Dowling took me to her office and made me a cup of chamomile tea, while Mr Silva when to break up the party, as I sat there in Miss Dowling office drinking the tea, I told her again what happened after I had calmed down, I wasn't sure if it was the tea making me feel calmer or Miss Dowling as she was sitting next to me with her hand on the middle of my back, making small circles, it felt nice, Miss Dowling told me she wasn't going to punish me for kneeing Bark in the nuts, if anything I think Miss Dowling find it amusing as she had smirks just a little.

Bark was suspended for week for attacking me, when he came back told everyone that Miss Dowling hadn't suspended him that he had just gone home for a week due to a family emergency and that Miss Dowling and Mr Silva at accept that it had all been nothing more than a drunken misunderstanding, he apologise to me of course, that however didn't stop their stupid comments I had to deal with it for months, my friends told me to talk with Miss Dowling, my response was "what's the point she won't do anything about it" I tell them, so I just when back to ignoring they stupid comments as best as I could, until one day it was all too much for me and I ended up punching some stupid boy named Billy as hard as I could almost breaking his nose.

I had gotten detention for a month because of that, Farah had tried talking to me, but I refused to talk to her as she hadn't punished Billy or anyone for bullying me, not that I had gon running to the teachers every-time one of them had hit me or called me names, so I just kept everything to myself, when in Miss Dowling had tried talking to me I asked her why she hadn't punished Billy, she replied by simply saying that getting his nose broken was punished enough and she would talked to him about his behaviour towards me, so I had broken his nose I was glad about that.

"Oh great, you given him a good talking to, problem solved" I said taking my book and getting up from the table where I was sitting and going to another table to finish my detention in peace, I hear Miss Dowling sign before she comes to stand next to me

"If you every want to talk I'm here, because keeping things to yourself isn't helping you" Miss Dowling says from beside me, the school year is almost over, I think when I go home, I'm going to ask if I can get home school again or go to another school, I don't want to return to Alfea.

"Talking? that's all your good for" I tell her, with the book up to my face so I don't have to look at her, I know Miss Dowling had called some of the students into her office to talk to them when she has overheard some of the things, they're had said to me or when my friends go to her behind my back, those that had only made things worse, so I just dealt with it on my own.

"I know you are upset right now, so I'm going to let that go" Miss Dowling tells me before walking over to her desk and finally leaving me alone to read my book, an hour later Miss Dowling told me I could leave, telling she would see me in the morning in class, I just got up and left without a word.

The next morning was Friday and my first class is with Miss Dowling, I was still upset with her that I don't think I could handle seeing her, so I decide to skip her class that morning, I had also managed to avoid her all day, lucky it was Friday so I had the whole weekend to myself and could easily avoid her by staying in my room all weekend that way if she does ask me why I had skipped her class I can tell her I wasn't feeling well or something.

I decide it best to do my homework as I didn't want to get into any more trouble than I am already in and no doubt I would get into some kind of trouble for skipping Miss Dowling class, I was in the middle of doing my potion homework when my friend Max short for Maxine walks into my room

"Hi y/n Miss Dowling asked me to let you know, she wants to see you in her office at one o'clock this afternoon" she tells me leaning up against my desk

"It's Saturday doesn't the women take a day off?" I ask myself more than Max

"How can she take a day off when she has a troublemaker like you to deal with" Max tells me with a laugh, I just roll my eyes at her "You really don't like Miss Dowling do you?" Max asked me

"I'm sure she's nice enough, I just wish she would leave me alone" I tell Max as I curry on with my homework

"Maybe you have a crush on her, oh you have a crush on Miss Dowling that so sweet" Max starts teasing me as she started making kissing sounds

"I do not have a crush on that woman and if I hear any rumours going around the school, I know who ass to kick" I warn her, she holds up her hands in surrender

"I was only joking, relax, beside if you did have a crush on her you wouldn't be the only one, half the school has a crush on her, I mean the women is sexy as fuck, I very much like the boys, but I would totally turn lesbian for her" Max tells me, I just roll my eyes at her "anyway don't forget she wants to see you at one this afternoon in her office, come see me after she's done with you" Max tells me with a wink then leaves me to finish my homework.

I stop doing homework as I feel a headache coming on at the thought of having to see Miss Dowling, so I go to the cafeteria to get myself something to eat and a drink to take back to my room, I sit on my bed and turn on the TV, flicking through channels until I come across Star Trek Voyager I love this show, the episode is unfortunately coming to an end however another episode comes on after some adverts and it happened to be one of my all-time favourite episodes, after I finish eating I lay down on my bed with a pillow under my chest for support as I lean on one of my arms.

This is what Saturdays are all about in my opinion after a hard week just relaxing with a good book or TV show, when that episode ends another one starts, I guess they are playing back-to-back episodes today, I get so engrossed with watching Star Trek Voyager I lose track of time and forget all about having to go to Miss Dowling office, oh how I wish I could just be on a star ship flying through space with Captain Janeway and her crew, going on missions, those I would be Captain Janeway first office of course, so I could help run Voyager bossing everyone around and giving out orders that would be so sweet.

Just when there is ten minutes left of the current episode, I am watching someone walks in-front of the tv blocking my view "what's the big idea?" I asked than realise it was Miss Dowling "can I help you with something Miss Dowling?" wondering why the hell she was in my bedroom, blocking my TV.

My Teacher, Miss Farah Dowling Where stories live. Discover now