Chapter 1

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Farah and I are sitting at the breakfast table, eating our breakfast in silence as we had gotten into an argument last night, that was of course after I had finally gotten Farah to talk to me, she was angry with me that she had just start yelling because I had done something very stupid, I cannot really blame her for being angry with me those, however having Farah this angry at me is making me feel like her student again, those I'll not studded under her for years now!

I'm now a teacher myself at Alfea and we have been together for just a little over a year now and I would of never of thought I could have even loved Farah as much as I do or that she would love me back, as I sit there looking at her eating the breakfast, I had made for her as it was one of two ways of apologising, I sit there eating my own breakfast watching her I start to fear she might leave me, how had I let us get to this point, how had I done something that could end us for good? I start to remember my first year at Alfea.

My first year at Alfea was the hardest, no one could get through to me, even Farah couldn't get through to me that first year when I was her student, I was forever getting into trouble, I was in detention almost every week, thought of course Farah had never given up on me and had managed to get through to me in an unexpected way, those you must understand something, Farah hadn't known that first year as my grandparents had tried hiding the fact that I came from a broken home.

I had been living with my Grandparents for about three years before going to school at Alfea, my grandparents had money and lots of it and was very respected, however their had cut my mother off after she married my father, as he was your typical bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, who like to party and drink a little too hard.

My Mother told me she had gotten pregnant with me not long after they were married, my mother kept me away from my grandparents since their had cut her off, she had told them unless their give her back her inheritance than they would never see me, she had wanted the money to try and get away from my father those she was to stubborn to omit that to my grandparents, that she had made a mistake marrying him, I was thirteen when I had finally got to meet them.

My father was very abusive towards my mother those he never hit me as my mother always protect me from him, he did however always tell me, I was a waste of space, I would never amount to anything, called me stupid, told me no one could ever love me and wished I had never been born, of course he had aways been drunk at the time, because when he was sober, he was a completely different person, he had even taught me how to throw a punch and to stand up for myself, he had only done that because I was bullied at school because of him and his drinking.

When mother had gotten sick, she had taken me to meet my grandparents for the first time as she didn't want to leave me with my father after she was gone, my grandparents had let us in after seeing Mother black-eye, she told them she didn't want they money she just wanted them to keep me safe to keep me away from my father, after my mother had passed away I was already living with my grandparent's full time.

For the next three years I was home schooled had the best teacher's money could buy, I learn to ride horses, my grandparents even brought me a dog when I told them I wanted to know what it was like to have a real friend, they had been very strict on me, those they were fair as well, I wish I was able to know them sooner.

When I had turned fifteen my grandparents took me on a tour of Alfea school telling me how both they parents had gone to school at Alfea, they had also gone to school there and so had my mother, we had met with Headmistress Rosalind at the time as their had also wanted me to have some private lessons with her, however by the time, it had come for me started school, Miss Farah Dowling had taken over as headmistress and my grandparents had changed their minds about private lessons. As their felt she was too young and wouldn't have much experience, they weren't sure if they should let me stay at Alfea however Miss Dowling had somehow convinced them, I wasn't allowed private lessons that I was happy about, they would carry on with my private lessons over the summer holidays that I wasn't happy about.

My Grandparents told me that going to Alfea was a chance to leave my past behind me and make a fresh start, make new friends and work towards a future, those I wish they had told that to everyone else, because that first day then was a party and some boy had recognised me from my last school when I was still living at home with my parents, so of course he took no time in telling everyone about my parents and who I really was and about my father being a drunk, so because of him I was bullied.

I had of course try ignoring everyone, even when a girl name Sue had pushed me into the mud I choice to ignore it by laughing it off and trying to walk away, when she shouted after me "aww she going home to cry to her mummy, oh that's she doesn't have a mummy anymore" she said laughing with her friends so I turn back on my heels and run at her pushing her into the mud, she recovered quickly, hitting me across the face so in return I punch her so hard I knew she would have a black eye, she had fallen backwards, back into the mud again "don't you dare talk about my mother, because if you do, you will get more than a black eye" I warn her before walking away.

The next thing I knew I was in Miss Dowling office getting a telling off by Miss Dowling, once Miss Dowling had actually stopped giving me a speech about fighting and hitting others, she finally let me explain what happed and once she had learnt I had tried walking away she calmed down, what pissed me off with Miss Dowling those she had given me two weeks detention and Sue had gotten to go and work at the horse stables as a volunteer at the weekends.

About three months ago, there had been a party, a party the teacher knew nothing about, I wasn't going to go however friend Ann talked me into going, I had enjoyed myself had gotten drunk, but not drunk enough to not be able to keep my wits about me, around midnight I decide to leave, when this boy named Bark had offered to walk me back to my suite, I knew he was friends with Sue so I declined his offer, when all off a sudden he grabbed me pushing me up against a wall "how about a kiss goodnight?" he asked me before trying to kiss me, so I introduced his nuts to my knee, I than run out of the party as fast as I could, terrified that him and his friends would come after me, as I run around a cover I run straight into Miss Dowling, I bumped into her so hard that she falls to the ground and I fall on top of her, Mr Silva helps me up before helping Miss Dowling up as well.

To Be continue

My Teacher, Miss Farah Dowling Where stories live. Discover now