I can barely find the proof to save myself.


The crew was happy for you two. Everyone supported your relationship and would provide help, or advice when you needed it to deal with your new boyfriend, especially when he started to become a little much at times. You even would sneak out with Nami and Robin from time to time to get some much needed alone, or girl time with them. You love Luffy, but spending every minute with him could get overwhelming. It's hard to keep up with that amount of energy and enthusiasm all the time.

Robin had distracted him one day so ya'll could escape to the island you were docked at. You had never been so thankful for her devil fruit powers then in that moment. You spent the day relaxing, gossiping, and just hanging out with the girls. At one point you even found Zoro completely lost and couldn't help but laugh at his lack of direction. When you returned back to the ship you were surprised to find all the boys gone, with the exception of Frankie making repairs. Later you heard Zoro and Sanji before you ever saw them, dragging Luffy by the foot behind them. You were filled with panic, worried he had gotten himself into more trouble. However the sight you were met with was one you weren't expecting. Luffy looked like he was on the verge of tears. You asked the other what the hell had happened? When Luffy had heard your voice that was it. He was throwing himself at the ship to land right in front of you, knocking you both onto the hard, wooden deck, about to burst into tears. He wrapped himself around you and was whining about how he couldn't find you, and 'YOU WERE GONE FOREVER!' You couldn't help but laugh and reassure him that everything was ok, and you wouldn't leave without telling him where you were going again. It took both Zoro and Usopp to pry him off of you so you could stand up again.

It's hard to imagine how such a big cuddle bug, who just loves meat and adventure, not to mention helps pretty much every island you land on, has such a big bounty on his head. The whole crew did, and it blew your mind every time you were reminded. It made you start to wonder if the Marines were really doing their job like they were suppose to, or if they just thought anyone who flew the pirate flag was automatically bad. You started to slowly question everything you thought you knew.


Are you water? Are you fire?

Are you filthy? Are you pure?

Oh, I thought by now I'd know, but I'm not sure.


Seeing the captain of your ship, which you now call home along with the rest of the crew, go from the sweet childish boy he usually was to those rare moments of quiet rage, or acting his age never failed to amaze you. One moment he would be totally fine, joking and helping his friends, then if someone got hurt or was being put down by someone else is when you would see the flip. Unlike others who would act out in anger, becoming almost uncontrollable, Luffy got extremely quiet and somehow even more focused. Watching him in battle, or even just stand up for the people he cares for, or his beliefs was an awe inspiring sight. His dedication, persistence, and overall overwhelming power, and strength was worthy of such a hefty bounty.

You may not of been the strongest fighter, or even the most helpful in battle, but no one ever made you feel less than because of it. You made up for it in different ways, like helping Sanji cook, Frankie with repairs, Usopp with new projects, Robin with new book and tea ideas, Zoro with training, Brook with songs or repairing his guitar every once in while, Nami with keeping all the boys in line or holding down paper for her new maps, but your favorite was helping Chopper with medical supplies. Helping the cute reindeer out with collecting and crushing herbs, or cleaning tools was always the highlight of your day. He never spoke much to you until you started helping him out and he grew familiar with you. Luffy would either be doing some actual work for once, or sitting by you playing with something to occupy him while you helped out. He had told you on several occasions you didn't need to do anything, but you wanted to get to know everyone better, and now it's more habit than anything else. You found some comfort in the social interactions with everyone. Although you could feel the glare he would constantly give Sanji when you would help him out. The naturally flirtatious male would get under your boyfriends skin on purpose and you would end up having to play peacekeeper between them. There was never a dull moment on this ship, that was a fact!

I'd do it all again. (Luffy x Reader Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now