Gray let out a huff of laughter, shaking his head.

The two dinosaurs began to fight with one another and eventually came crashing into the other wall of the souvenir shack. Gray screamed and threw his arms up to cover his head. Owen grabbed ahold of all three kids and wrapped his arms around them protectively. Elliot heard Claire scream for them to run, so that's exactly what they did.

They bolted from the now destroyed shack and ran towards Claire, who was ducked down behind a few mosquito in amber statues that lined Main Street leading up to the Innovation Center.

The Tyrannosaur was on the ground, struggling to get back up, and the Indominus was towering over it. It placed its foot down on the T-Rex and opened its jaw, ready to deliver the final killing blow, when a familiar call echoed from behind. Elliot turned her head just in time to see Blue charging at the Indominus Rex. She catapulted herself off the T-Rex and leapt at the Indominus, landing on its back and beginning to attack.

"No way," Elliot breathed. "What the hell is going on?"

"Dinosaur battle to the death," Zach answered. "Kind of metal."

"It's not the eighties anymore, no one calls anything 'metal,'" Elliot said.

"I can already tell I don't like that you two are friends," Owen sighed, glancing back at the pair of them.

"Rude," Elliot said.

"Extremely," Zach agreed.

Blue attacking the Indominus gave the T-Rex the chance she needed to recover from the previous attack. She got back to her feet and charged the Indominus. Pretty soon, both Blue and the T-Rex were working together against the Indominus—herding it backwards down Main Street.

They were causing quite the mess, and the group huddled by the amber statues couldn't stay there much longer before debris came flying at them. Owen grabbed Elliot's hand and pulled her to her feet. "Let's move!" He called to the others.

They ran into one of the gift stores to avoid the fray when Blue came crashing through one of the windows. She quickly recovered and threw herself back into the fight.

The T-Rex and Blue managed to throw the Indominus to the ground right by the pier, and continually shoved it whenever it tried to get back to its feet. The Indominus wasn't about to give up so easily, though, so it continued to try and fight back. It roared again, attempting to scare the T-Rex and Blue, but was suddenly cut off as the mosasaurus came crashing to the surface of the lake.

"Whoa!" Elliot yelled, taking a step back as the mosasaurus grabbed the Indominus by its neck and yanked it down into the water, disappearing beneath the waves.

The T-Rex and Blue stared at each other for a moment, and Elliot wondered if the fighting was over or if the two would battle it out for dominance now that the threat was gone. However, the T-Rex only stuck around for a few moments longer before turning and stomping off, leaving Blue on her own.

The raptor turned and took one last look at Owen, who gave her a nod of appreciation. Blue chirped at him before turning and dashing off out of the park and into the wilderness.

The others finally stepped out onto Main Street, the danger having passed, and looked around. Everything was destroyed. Elliot turned and glanced at her father, who was still staring off in the direction Blue had run off. She walked over to him and patted his arm. "She'll be alright," Elliot said.

"Yeah," Owen agreed, glancing down at his daughter. "What about you, are you alright?"

Elliot nodded. "Doing a lot better now," She admitted. "Definitely wanting to get the hell out of here as fast as possible."

"Right, let's do that." He glanced over at Claire. "Is your friend ready with the chopper?"

Claire nodded, breathing heavy. "He's in the control room, we can meet him there," She answered, grabbing Zach and Gray by their shoulders and turning to guide them back up towards the Innovation Center.

The group made their way back up Main Street, carefully avoiding the debris caused by the massive fight. Most of the walk was made in silence—they met Lowery up on the landing pad on the roof of the control room, where a chopper was already waiting for them.

"Thank God you guys are alive!" Lowery called over the sound of the helicopter blades. "Lets get the hell off this island!"

Claire nodded. "I couldn't agree with you more, Lowery," She said. "Come on, guys."

Elliot climbed into the helicopter behind Zach and Gray, who immediately collapsed into the seats. She sat down beside Gray and buckled herself in before putting on a pair of headphones she had been handed by one of the pilots. When the helicopter lifted up off the ground, she finally allowed herself to relax, melting into her seat and closing her eyes with a sigh.

No one spoke on the ride off the island. Elliot had a feeling that they were all finally crashing from their adrenaline highs and were now being left to their own thoughts, trying to process what had just happened.

It had been a really long day. And what was crazier is that it hadn't even been twenty four hours. Everything that had just happened to them happened in less than fifteen hours. Yet it felt like years had passed, somehow.

Elliot thought about her mother, who would surely be freaking out if she were still here. Elliot wondered, if there was such thing as an afterlife, if her mother was looking down on her and her dad and mentally screaming at them. Probably. She was also probably yelling that she told them so, which—okay, yeah, fair point.

About ten minutes into the flight, Elliot felt Gray leaning his head against her shoulder. She glanced down at him and then up at Zach, who smiled at her. She smiled back and rested her cheek on top of Gray's head with a sigh.

She glanced across the helicopter and locked eyes with her dad. He pressed his lips into a thin smile and nodded at her. It was okay, she could rest. Nothing bad was going to happen now. Elliot smiled tiredly at him. Things were okay now. They were safe.

Elliot let her eyes slip shut and finally fell asleep.

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