How the Gods would react to a broken darling

Start from the beginning


"Oi, y/n , pay attention to me!"
Heracles clicked his tongue at the silence that answered him. He crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot impatiently. What was so interesting about the view through that window? Her hair was obscuring his view of the side of her face so he couldn't figure out what kind of expression she was wearing as she blatantly ignored him. Heracles  stepped over the chains attached to her shackles, keeping her inside their room, and came to her side to follow her gaze.
There was nothing but trees and grass to look at, bathed in the gentle light of the moon in the cloudless sky. He frowned and glanced at her again, "What's so interesting about some shitty grass that you're ignoring me?" He demanded furiously. She didn't answer him, nor did she move when he leaned closer with a snarl. Heracles' eyebrows knitted together and his irritated expression faltered. He called her name firmly, a desperate edge to his voice. She continued staring out the window.
His chest tightened, fear wrapping around his lungs like a vice. Heracles grabbed her face with a trembling hand and turned her to look at him. His brown(?) eyes met dull ones that looked like they belonged on a corpse rather than on a living person. He let go of her like he'd been burned, and her head limply returned to its previous position.Heracles  tried to calm his breathing, realizing he was almost hyperventilating, and wiped his clammy palms on his pants. This was fine, she was fine, there was nothing wrong...

She wouldn't try to escape now.

For some reason, the thought made him nauseous rather than elated. Heracles unlocked the shackles and brought her into his arms, making his way to their bed. He laid them on their sides and cradled her to his chest, burying his face into her hair to distract himself from the shudders wracking down his spine and the burning behind his closed eyelids.

She was going to be fine...



"Come on Dolly, say ah..."

Loki lifted a piece of cake to her lips, patiently waiting with a small smile. He giggled when she opened her mouth, pushing the cake inside and coaxing her to chew and swallow. He wiped a bit of frosting from the corner of her lips with his thumb and licked it away. The other gods watched in silence from their seats at the dinner table. The girl's dull eyes stared down at the table, her hair curled and adorned with purple ribbons that matched the bruises on her scarred throat. She was dressed in frills and lace, something she would have whined about non-stop, but her eerie silence disturbed them deeply. Loki didn't seem to care, lifting more sweets to her mouth and making her eat with infatuated smiles and giggles despite the girl's state.

"How unsightly." Hermes muttered under his breath, lifting a cup of tea to his mouth to hide his disgusted sneer.

Fed up, Ares slammed his trembling fists on the table and stood up so quickly that his chair toppled over. "Stop that! Can't you see she's practically fucking dead already?!" He shouted, furious, and pointed an accusing finger in the girl's direction. The others didn't contradict him, merely watching in silence.

"Shut up!" Loki screamed, sending his chair to the floor as well when he stood, his hands curled into tight fists at his sides. "You don't know anything, you worm! My Dolly's tired and you're being mean to her!"

"Face it, you little freak, you killed her!"

"You're wrong!" Loki stomped his foot, tears burning at his eyes.

Ares looked at him in disgust and casted the once lively bride a pitying glance before storming out of the dining room. Thor sighed before rising from his seat and leaving the room. Slowly, the rest of the Gods followed suit, leaving the smallest male with his y/n. There were endless streams of tears falling down his pale cheeks, his lips trembling as he turned to look at her.

"They're wrong, Dolly, all of them are. You're fine, you're perfect...!" Loki babbled, his hands shaking uncontrollably as he cupped her face in his hands. Her dull eyes stared through him and a heart wrenching sob was torn from his throat. He gathered her in his arms and wept for the lovely, kind hearted girl he'd broken without repair.


"Do you like them?" Hades asked softly, carefully removing each and every thorn from the white roses in his hands. He ignored every prick and drip of his blood hitting the ground, focused on making the bouquet nothing less than perfect. Thin streams of red dribbled down his arm to stain his sleeves, not that it mattered. "I remember when you told me they reminded you of me, I was so embarrassed..." A soft warmth flooded his cheeks and he stroked a delicate petal with the pad of his clean finger, a small smile curling at his lips.
The gentle nightly breeze tugging and pushing at his hair was the only reply. Hades took the pink ribbon and circled the thornless stems, tying it into a bow with great care. He turned the bouquet slowly in his hands, his ruby gaze inspecting every petal and leaf. Pleased at its perfection, Hades turned to look down at his darling, who was seated on one of the stone benches in the garden. He kneeled down in front of her and presented his hard work, tilting his head to look at her face. Dull eyes stared through him— at some place far, far away, no doubt.
Hades's smile grew strained and he swallowed past the lump in his throat, "You're not going to talk to me tonight either, huh?" He asked with a dry chuckle, a sickeningly familiar burning in the back of his eyes. He set the bouquet next to her and rose to his feet, cupping her face in his palms despite the blood that smeared on her left cheek. Exhaling shakily, Hades closed his eyes and leaned down to press his lips against her forehead in a tender kiss. "I love you..."

Nothing at all.

Something ugly dug its claws into his heart and tore it to pieces, and his father's accusing stare bore into him from his mind's eye. Hades trembled like a lone leaf in the wind, shudders wracking through his body as he blinked back the tears stinging at his eyes. Resolved, he reached into his pocket and slowly withdrew with his silver knife, grasped by his clammy fingers. He carefully pushed it into his darling's limp hands, staining them with his blood when he curled her fingers around the handle and tipped the blade towards himself. Hades pressed another kiss against her pallid skin, rivers of saltwater finally spilling from his eyes.

"Do what you want..."

Her hand twitched.

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