Class introductions pt 2 : class A

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                                                           Kiyotaka's POV

After chibashira sensei finished explaining to us the points system everyone was really excited about getting 100 000 points , they were so happy (and stupid) that even I was shocked, none of them thought about for a second.they didn't even find it fishy ,I knew they were in class d for a reason, but have at least some concerns about this .

"Any questions ?" Asked chibishira sensei.

No one lifted their hand up, I decided to give them 1 last clue :

" umm miss, when you were explaining the points that will be distributed you said ' this month, we'll receive 100 000 ' not per month , right? "

Chibishira just smirked at ayanokoji and left the class

" I guess that is all, I'll be leaving now " .

When all classes were  over I started my search for Arisu, sometimes I ask myself
Why did I bid on something based on luck?

Arisu's POV

(After all classes had just finish )
I wonder , did i make a mistake by putting him in class D, cuz now I'm bored
There are a few interesting ppl : a very shady guy , I think his name is Masayoshi Hashimoto . Then there is a girl with long purple hair her name is matsumi kamuro
she'll be a perfect tool if I'm guessing right. Then there i-

"Okay from now on I want to be the class leader"

I was amused by his silly dream but also annoyed because he interrupted my internal monologue, I decided to test him .

" excuse me for interrupting but I'm a little confused,why do we need a leader and if we did why would we pick you ? "

"Tch! Sakayanagi let katsuragi finish his speech " said Yahiko totsuka in a loud voice but also as if he was a girl claiming her man

I think I'm going to tease him a bit
" calm down Yahiko, I was just asking your boyfriend a few questions he isn't going to die "

after my comment I thought he would be pissed, but I was wrong he is blushing so much that everyone noticed his face . Well that wasn't the o utcome I was looking for I wonder what's the look on katsuragi's . Oh wow.... utter disgust that's just sad, from now on I'll treat yahoo- I mean Yahiko kindly to the best of my abilities but katsuragi wasn't the only who's disgusted the person standing next to the door, although he can't express his feelings, clearly was disgusted his face amused me so much that I took a photo .

"Arisu, I think I just witnessed something I shouldn't have "

Kiyotaka's POV

Ughh! Where is it ? I've been walking for how long. Then , all of a sudden it came to me why didn't I realize sooner, I think being around idiots has effected my brain
(If my dad heard this he would of got me out of that class as soon as possible, too bad he can't ) I was walking in the wrong direction.

"Let katsuragi finish his speech"

As I got near the classroom I saw a moss head dude screaming at arisu  it was almost as if he were.... nah I doubt it

" calm down Yahiko, I was just asking your boyfriend a few questions he isn't going to die "

As  arisu said that I saw moss head blushing, don't worry I have nothing against gays , but the way he was blushing, the it was revolting . I opened the door slowly to not startle the already shocked class , I guess I still had a disgusted face lingering cuz arisu proceeded to take pictures of me

"Kiyotaka your here !  What a surprise did you come to pick me ?"

"  Arisu, you knew I was here as soon as you made that comment don't play dumb "

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Nevermind.... by the way yeah I did come to pick you up. You  ready"

"Yeah let's go. Oh katsuragi, never call yourself the leader class A again"

"Wait a minute Arisu, apoligize to your class for traumatizing them"


The petite girl tried her best to bow with assistance from ayanokoji

"Sorry for traumatizing everyone "

Arisu and Kiyotaka then left heading towards Kiyotaka's dorm to play chess

"Kiyotaka can assert your position in class it's the only fun thing to do"

"Sure if you want, but don't go overboard "

"What about katsuragi ?"

"Please leave him alone,  he's gone through enough "

End chapter 2

                                        Sorry for not putting spaces in chapter 1
                                I hope it wasn't too confusing.  Tell me if you want
                                            Arisu to be shipped with someone
                                                I already have 2 ppl  in mind                       

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